Scientific changes since v2.0.0

The scientific documentation of Ampycloud v2.0.0 can be found here. In this page, we list all changes since v.2.0.0 that go beyond bugfixing, refactoring, patching, etc. and have an impact on the science of the algorithm. More detailed information on changes can be found in the changelog <changelog>.

v2.1.0: Enable ceilometer filtering for calculation of cloud base height

There might be situations, where it is beneficial to calculate the cloud base height from a subset of ceilometer hits reported by specific ceilometers. For example: - If the cloud height is supposed to be representative for a given location, but you still want to use as many ceilometers as possible to infer the amount. - If you use different ceilometer models and know that you want to calculate the height only from hits of a specific ceilometer model to avoid implementing complicated correction factors. To this end, the parameter EXCLUDE_FOR_BASE_HEIGHT_CALC was implemented in this version. The default value is an empty list. In order to activate the filtering, it is sufficient to enter the ceilometer IDs of the ceilos to exclude from the base height calculation.