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Welcome to the dvas documentation !

This Python package has been written to handle the data analysis of the 2022 Upper-Air Instrument Intercomparison (UAII) field campaign, organized under the auspice of World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The following pages (should) contain all that you need to know to install and run dvas.


These pages focus on the technical aspects of dvas. For an exhaustive description of the its physics/statistics capabilities and performances, please refer to the Final Report of the UAII 2022.

dvas is being developed on Github, where you can submit all your questions and bug reports.


dvas will be actively maintained up to 2023-11-30, at which point the use of dvas will be supported on a best-effort basis only.

Within the scope of the UAII 2022 field campaign, dvas is responsible for:
  • the ingestion of Manufacturer Data Products (MDPs) and GRUAN Data Products (GDPs) in a dedicated database,

  • the cleanup and synchronization of these radiosonde profiles on a flight-by-flight basis,

  • the assembly of Combined Working measurement Standards (CWSs) from GDPs, and

  • the assembly of the so-called \(\Lambda_{C,L}\) profiles.

The dvas code is composed of two modules:

  • dvas: the core module that contains all the low-level classes and routines, and

  • dvas_recipes: the higher-level module that contains all the analysis recipes specific to a given scenario: for example, the UAII 2022 campaign.

dvas is meant to be used as a standalone tool. Users interested to reproduce the UAII 2022 analysis need only to run the corresponding recipe.


The scientific processing routines inside dvas are intimately linked to the specific dvas.data.strategy.data.Profile & dvas.data.data.MultiProfile classes (and their children). Instances of theses classes are best initialized from the dvas database. This implies that using the scientific processing routines while by-passing the use of the dvas database (e.g. for custom applications) is neither straightforward, nor supported.

Table of contents: