Acknowledging dvas

  1. Only use lower case letters when mentioning dvas, and always include the version number. Ideally, you should also include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) associated to the specific release you have been using:

    dvas 1.1.0 doi

  2. If dvas was useful for your research, please cite the UAII 2022 Final Report:


    When the time comes, include here the link to the report.

  3. dvas relies on external Python libraries that require & deserve to be acknowledged in their own right. The following LaTeX blurb is one way to do so:

    This research has made use of \textit{dvas vX.Y.Z} \citep[DOI:][]{TBD}
    Python package. \textit{dvas} relies on the following Python packages:
    \textsc{matplotlib} \citep{Hunter2007}, \textit{numpy} \citep{Oliphant2006, Van2011},
    \textsc{pandas} \citep{McKinney2010,reback2020}
    \textit{scipy} \citep{Virtanen2020}, and \textit{statsmodels} \citep{Seabold2010}.
      Author    = {Hunter, J. D.},
      Title     = {Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment},
      Journal   = {Computing in Science \& Engineering},
      Volume    = {9},
      Number    = {3},
      Pages     = {90--95},
      abstract  = {Matplotlib is a 2D graphics package used for Python for
      application development, interactive scripting, and publication-quality
      image generation across user interfaces and operating systems.},
      publisher = {IEEE COMPUTER SOC},
      doi       = {10.1109/MCSE.2007.55},
      year      = 2007
    @InProceedings{ McKinney2010,
      author    = { {W}es {M}c{K}inney },
      title     = { {D}ata {S}tructures for {S}tatistical {C}omputing in {P}ython },
      booktitle = { {P}roceedings of the 9th {P}ython in {S}cience {C}onference },
      pages     = { 56 - 61 },
      year      = { 2010 },
      editor    = { {S}t\'efan van der {W}alt and {J}arrod {M}illman },
      doi       = { 10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a }
      title     = {A guide to NumPy},
      author    = {Oliphant, Travis E},
      volume    = {1},
      year      = {2006},
      publisher = {Trelgol Publishing USA}
        author  = {The pandas development team},
        title   = {pandas-dev/pandas: Pandas},
        month   = feb,
        year    = 2020,
        publisher = {Zenodo},
        version = {latest},
        doi     = {10.5281/zenodo.3509134},
        url     = {}
      title     = {statsmodels: Econometric and statistical modeling with python},
      author    = {Seabold, Skipper and Perktold, Josef},
      booktitle = {9th Python in Science Conference},
      year      = {2010},
      title     = {The NumPy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation},
      author    = {Van Der Walt, Stefan and Colbert, S Chris and Varoquaux, Gael},
      journal   = {Computing in Science \& Engineering},
      volume    = {13},
      number    = {2},
      pages     = {22},
      year      = {2011},
      publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}
      author    = {{Virtanen}, Pauli and {Gommers}, Ralf and {Oliphant}, Travis E. and
        {Haberland}, Matt and {Reddy}, Tyler and {Cournapeau}, David and {Burovski}, Evgeni and
        {Peterson}, Pearu and {Weckesser}, Warren and {Bright}, Jonathan and {van der Walt},
        St{\'e}fan J.  and {Brett}, Matthew and {Wilson}, Joshua and {Jarrod Millman}, K.  and
        {Mayorov}, Nikolay and {Nelson}, Andrew R.~J. and {Jones}, Eric and {Kern}, Robert and
        {Larson}, Eric and {Carey}, CJ and {Polat}, {\.I}lhan and {Feng}, Yu and {Moore},
        Eric W. and {Vand erPlas}, Jake and {Laxalde}, Denis and {Perktold}, Josef and
        {Cimrman}, Robert and {Henriksen}, Ian and {Quintero}, E.~A. and {Harris}, Charles R and
        {Archibald}, Anne M. and {Ribeiro}, Ant{\^o}nio H. and {Pedregosa}, Fabian and
        {van Mulbregt}, Paul and {SciPy 1.0 Contributors}},
      title     = "{{SciPy} 1.0: Fundamental Algorithms for Scientific Computing in Python}",
      journal   = {Nature Methods},
      year      = {2020},
      volume    = {17},
      pages     = {261--272},
      adsurl    = {},
      doi       = {},