Functions to manage DEM data
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import pyart
from ..io.io_aux import get_datatype_fields, get_fieldname_pyart
from ..io.read_data_dem import read_dem, dem2radar_data
# from memory_profiler import profile
def process_dem(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None):
Gets DEM data and put it in radar coordinates
procstatus : int
Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume,
2 post-processing
dscfg : dictionary of dictionaries
data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords::
datatype : string. Dataset keyword
arbitrary data type supported by pyrad
keep_in_memory : int. Dataset keyword
if set keeps the COSMO data dict, the COSMO coordinates dict and
the COSMO field in radar coordinates in memory. Default False
regular_grid : int. Dataset keyword
if set it is assume that the radar has a grid constant in time and
there is no need to compute a new COSMO field if the COSMO
data has not changed. Default False
dem_field : str. Dataset keyword
name of the DEM field to process
demfile : str. Dataset keyword
Name of the file containing the DEM data
radar_list : list of Radar objects
Optional. list of radar objects
new_dataset : dict
dictionary containing the output field with name corresponding
to dem_field
ind_rad : int
radar index
if procstatus != 1:
return None, None
# debugging
# start_time = time.time()
for datatypedescr in dscfg["datatype"]:
radarnr, _, _, _, _ = get_datatype_fields(datatypedescr)
ind_rad = int(radarnr[5:8]) - 1
if radar_list[ind_rad] is None:
warn("No valid radar")
return None, None
radar = radar_list[ind_rad]
keep_in_memory = dscfg.get("keep_in_memory", 0)
regular_grid = dscfg.get("regular_grid", 0)
field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(dscfg["dem_field"])
fname = dscfg["dempath"][ind_rad] + dscfg["demfile"]
if keep_in_memory:
if dscfg["initialized"] == 0:
dem_data = read_dem(fname, field_name)
dscfg["global_data"] = {"dem_data": dem_data, "dem_field": None}
if regular_grid:
dscfg["global_data"]["dem_field"] = dem2radar_data(
radar, dem_data, field_name
dscfg["initialized"] = 1
dem_data = dscfg["global_data"]["dem_data"]
dem_data = read_dem(fname, field_name)
if dem_data is None:
warn("DEM data not found")
return None, None
if regular_grid:
print("DEM field already in memory")
dem_field = dscfg["global_data"]["dem_fields"]
dem_field = dem2radar_data(radar, dem_data, field_name=field_name)
if dem_field is None:
warn("Unable to obtain DEM fields")
return None, None
# prepare for exit
new_dataset = {"radar_out": deepcopy(radar)}
new_dataset["radar_out"].fields = dict()
new_dataset["radar_out"].add_field(field_name, dem_field)
return new_dataset, ind_rad
def process_visibility(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None):
Gets the visibility in percentage from the minimum visible elevation.
Anything with elevation lower than the minimum visible elevation plus and
offset is set to 0 while above is set to 100.
procstatus : int
Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume,
2 post-processing
dscfg : dictionary of dictionaries
data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords::
datatype : string. Dataset keyword
arbitrary data type supported by pyrad
offset : float. Dataset keyword
The offset above the minimum visibility that must be filtered
radar_list : list of Radar objects
Optional. list of radar objects
new_dataset : dict
dictionary containing the output field
ind_rad : int
radar index
if procstatus != 1:
return None, None
for datatypedescr in dscfg["datatype"]:
radarnr, _, datatype, _, _ = get_datatype_fields(datatypedescr)
if datatype == "minvisel":
minvisel_field = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype)
ind_rad = int(radarnr[5:8]) - 1
if radar_list[ind_rad] is None:
warn("No valid radar")
return None, None
radar = radar_list[ind_rad]
offset = dscfg.get("offset", 0.0)
minvisel_data = radar.fields[minvisel_field]["data"] + offset
ele_data = np.broadcast_to(
radar.elevation["data"].reshape(radar.nrays, 1), (radar.nrays, radar.ngates)
vis_dict = pyart.config.get_metadata("visibility")
vis_dict["data"] = 100.0 * np.ma.greater_equal(ele_data, minvisel_data, dtype=float)
# if a gate has visibility 0 all the subsequent gates in the ray
# are set to 0
for ray in range(radar.nrays):
ind = np.where(vis_dict["data"][ray, :] == 0.0)[0]
if ind.size > 0:
vis_dict["data"][ray, ind[0] :] = 0.0
# prepare for exit
new_dataset = {"radar_out": deepcopy(radar)}
new_dataset["radar_out"].fields = dict()
new_dataset["radar_out"].add_field("visibility", vis_dict)
return new_dataset, ind_rad
def process_gecsx(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None):
Computes ground clutter RCS, radar visibility and many others using the
GECSX algorithmn translated from IDL into python
procstatus : int
Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume,
2 post-processing
dscfg : dictionary of dictionaries
data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords::
datatype : list of string. Dataset keyword
arbitrary data type supported by pyrad
range_discretization : float. Dataset keyword
Range discretization used when computing the Cartesian visibility field
the larger the better but the slower the processing will be
az_discretization : float. Dataset keyword
Azimuth discretization used when computing the Cartesian visibility
field, the larger the better but the slower the processing will be
ke : float. Dataset keyword
Equivalent earth-radius factor used in the computation of the radar
beam refraction
atm_att : float. Dataset keyword
One-way atmospheric refraction in db / km
mosotti_kw : float. Dataset keyword
Clausius-Mosotti factor K, depends on material (water) and wavelength
for water = sqrt(0.93)
raster_oversampling : int. Dataset keyword
The raster resolution of the DEM should be smaller than
the range resolution of the radar (defined by the pulse length).
If this is not the case, this keyword can be set to increase the
raster resolution. The values for the elevation, sigma naught,
visibility are repeated. The other values are recalculated.
Values for raster_oversampling:
0 or undefined: No oversampling is done
1: Oversampling is done. The factor N is automatically calculated
such that 2*dx/N < pulse length
2 or larger: Oversampling is done with this value as N
sigma0_method : string. Dataset keyword
Which estimation method to use, either 'Gabella' or 'Delrieu'
clip : int. Dataset keyword
If set to true, the provided DEM will be clipped to the extent
of the polar radar domain. Increases computation speed a lot but
Cartesian output fields will be available only over radar domain
radar_list : list of Radar objects
Optional. list of radar objects
new_dataset : list of dict
list of dictionaries containing the polar data output and the
Cartesian data output in this order
The first dictionary (polar) contains the following fields:
"rcs_clutter", "dBm_clutter", "dBZ_clutter" and "visibility_polar"
The second dictionary (cart) contains the following fields:
"bent_terrain_altitude", "terrain_slope", "terrain_aspect",
"elevation_angle", "min_vis_elevation", "min_vis_altitude",
"incident_angle", "sigma_0", "effective_area"
ind_rad : int
radar index
if procstatus != 1:
return None, None
for datatypedescr in dscfg["datatype"]:
radarnr, _, _, _, _ = get_datatype_fields(datatypedescr)
ind_rad = int(radarnr[5:8]) - 1
fname = dscfg["dempath"][ind_rad] + dscfg["demfile"]
demproj = None
if "demproj" in dscfg.keys():
demproj = dscfg["demproj"]
demproj = int(demproj)
except ValueError:
# demproj is not an EPSG int
dem_data = read_dem(fname, projparams=demproj)
# If no radar data is provided we create empty radar object from user
# specification
if len(radar_list) == 0:
ranges = np.arange(
dscfg["range_resolution"] / 2, dscfg["rmax"], dscfg["range_resolution"]
azimuths = np.arange(dscfg["azmin"], dscfg["azmax"], dscfg["anglestep"])
elevations = dscfg["antenna_elevations"]
radar = pyart.testing.make_empty_ppi_radar(
len(ranges), len(azimuths), len(elevations)
radar.latitude["data"] = np.array(dscfg["RadarPosition"]["latitude"])
radar.longitude["data"] = np.array(dscfg["RadarPosition"]["longitude"])
radar.altitude["data"] = np.array(dscfg["RadarPosition"]["altitude"])
radar.azimuth["data"] = np.array(list(azimuths) * len(elevations))
radar.range["data"] = ranges
radar.fixed_angle["data"] = np.array(elevations)
radar.elevation["data"] = np.array(
[len(azimuths) * [e] for e in elevations]
# change radar name
radar.metadata["instrument_name"] = dscfg["RadarName"]
radar = radar_list[0]
if "antenna_elevations" in dscfg:
# Intersection between radar elevation angles and config choice
# using a certain numerical tolerance as radar angles are
# sometimes coded as 0.699996 for 0.7 degrees in the radar files
# for example
el1 = radar.fixed_angle["data"].astype(float)
el2 = dscfg["antenna_elevations"].astype(float)
idx_to_process = [
i for i in range(len(el1)) if np.any(np.isclose(el1[i], el2))
print("Radar elevations angles redefined in config file")
"Elevation angles {:s} will be processed".format(
str([el1[i] for i in idx_to_process])
radar = radar.extract_sweeps(idx_to_process)
# Create dict with radar specifications
radar_specs = {}
radar_specs["frequency"] = dscfg["frequency"][ind_rad]
radar_specs["loss"] = dscfg["lrxh"][ind_rad] + dscfg["mflossh"][ind_rad]
radar_specs["power"] = dscfg["txpwrh"][ind_rad]
radar_specs["tau"] = dscfg["pulse_width"][ind_rad]
radar_specs["beamwidth"] = dscfg["radar_beam_width_h"][ind_rad]
radar_specs["gain"] = dscfg["AntennaGainH"][ind_rad]
az_conv = dscfg.get("AzimTol", 0)[ind_rad]
ke = dscfg.get("refcorr", 4 / 3.0)[ind_rad]
atm_att = dscfg.get("attg", 0.012)[ind_rad]
mosotti_kw = dscfg.get("mosotti_factor", 0.9644)[0]
sigma0_method = dscfg.get("sigma0_method", "Gabella")
raster_oversampling = dscfg.get("raster_oversampling", 1)
verbose = dscfg.get("verbose", 1)
clip = dscfg.get("clip", 1)
daz = dscfg.get("az_discretization", 0.2)
dr = dscfg.get("range_discretization", 100)
gecsx_grid, gecsx_radar = pyart.retrieve.gecsx(
new_dataset = [{"radar_out": gecsx_grid}, {"radar_out": gecsx_radar}]
return new_dataset, ind_rad