===================================== List of pyrad input data descriptors ===================================== ------------------------------------- General ------------------------------------- CF1 ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data in the CF1 NetCDF format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. usage *CF1:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: Zg STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW datatype STRING CF1:Zg,D{}-F{%Y%m%d_%H%M} products STRUCT 1 BSCOPE STRUCT 5 type STRING BSCOPE_IMAGE voltype STRING Zg ray_dim STRING time xaxis_rng INT 0 anglenr INT 0 CFRADIAL ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data in the CFRadial-1 NetCDF format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. usage *CFRADIAL:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. CFRADIAL2 ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data in the CFRadial-2 NetCDF format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. usage *CFRADIAL2:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: wind_raw STRUCT 4 type STRING RAW datatype STRARR 1 CFRADIAL2:wind_vel_rad,D{%Y-%m-%d}-F{%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S} products STRUCT 1 SAVESTATE STRUCT 2 type STRING SAVESTATE voltype STRING wind_vel_rad MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 CFRADIALPYRAD ----------------------------- description Reads pyrad outputs in the netCDF CFRadial format previously generated with the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product types. This data descriptor can be used to reuse data generated in pyrad workflow A within pyrad workflow B, in order to divide complex processing tasks in multiple product configuration files. This data descriptor relies on the keywords *loadbasepath* and *loadname* in the main configuration file. *loadbasepath* is used to specify the root directory from where to read the pyrad outputs (usually this corresponds to the *saveimgbasepath* key of pyrad workflow A) and *loadname* to the output name of the pyrad workflow from where to reuse the outputs (this corresponds to the main *name* key of pyrad workflow A). usage *CFRADIALPYRAD:datatype,dataset,product* where - datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ - dataset is the name of the pyrad dataset for which the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product has been generated - product is the name of the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product example *CFRADIALPYRAD:KDPc,KDPc_Vulpiani,SAVEVOL_KDPc* will read the corrected KDP generated by the product SAVEVOL_KDPc within the dataset KDPc_Vulpiani. This will in fact read the file loadbasepath/loadname/YYYY-mm-dd/dataset/product/YYYYmmddHHMMSS_savevol_dataset_datatype.nc. For example in pyrad workflow A, this dataset could look like this :: KDPc_Vulpiani STRUCT 9 type STRING PHIDP_KDP_VULPIANI datatype STRARR 1 PROC:PhiDPc rwind FLOAT 1000. n_iter INT 6 interp INT 0 parallel INT 0 get_phidp INT 0 MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 products STRUCT 3 EL001 STRUCT 3 type STRING PPI_IMAGE anglenr INT 2 voltype STRING KDPc AZ093 STRUCT 4 type STRING PSEUDORHI_IMAGE angle FLOAT 93. AziTol FLOAT 1. voltype STRING KDPc SAVEVOL_KDPc STRUCT 2 type STRING SAVEVOL voltype STRING KDPc CSV ----------------------------- description Reads CSV outputs previously generated by pyrad. See the data descriptor *PYRADGRID* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. DEM ----------------------------- description Reads visibility data saved in Rainbow file format. For this to work you will need to define the variable *dempath* in the main pyrad configuration file. usage *DEM:VIS* example :: DX50_PLD_coloc_gates STRUCT 13 type STRING COLOCATED_GATES datatype STRARR 4 RADAR001:dBZ RADAR001:DEM:VIS RADAR002:RAD4ALP:dBZ RADAR002:RAD4ALPDEM:VIS h_tol FLOAT 100. latlon_tol FLOAT 0.005 # approx. 500 m tolerance vol_d_tol FLOAT 100. vismin FLOAT 99. GAMIC ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data in GAMIC proprietary radar format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. GECSX ----------------------------- description Reads outputs of the GECSX visibility algorithms generated by pyrad usage *GECSX:datatype,dataset,product* where - datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ - dataset is the name of the GECSX pyrad dataset for which the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product has been generated - product is the name of the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product Note that this works exactly as the CFRADIALPYRAD data descriptor, the only exception is that it does completely ignore any reference to time within the retrieved files as the GECSX outputs are supposed to be static (dates within directories and time within filenames are ignored). Moreover, it relies on the keys *gecsxbasepath* and *gecsxname* in the main config file instead as *loadbasepath* and *loadname*. example *GECSX:visibility_polar,gecsx_50DX,visibility* will read the *visibility_polar* field generated by the product visibility within the dataset gecsx_50DX. This will in fact read the file gecsxbasepath/gecsxname/dataset/product/savevol_dataset_datatype.nc (notice the absence of time reference). For example in the GECSX workflow used to generate this file, the gecsx_50DX could look like this. :: gecsx_DX50 STRUCT 13 type STRING GECSX datatype STRING dBZ demfile STRING swisstopo_DHM25_50m.rst demproj STRING 21781 # EPSG code, a OGC WKT or Proj4 string, required if projection is not available in demfile metadata az_discretization FLOAT 5 # numerical step in azimuth in Cartesian visibility estimation [degree] range_discretization FLOAT 1000 # numerical step in range in Cartesian visibility estimation [m] do_range_weighting INT 1 raster_oversampling INT 0 verbose INT 1 clip INT 1 sigma0_method STRING Gabella antenna_elevations FLTARR 2 # You can choose here to use only a subset of all available antenna elevations from the radar file (to save time and because you are likely not interested in high elevations, where ivsibility should be good anyway) 1. 1.8 products STRUCT 3 visibility STRUCT 2 voltype STRING visibility_polar type STRING SAVEVOL NC_POL STRUCT 1 type STRING SAVEALL_VOL NC_CART STRUCT 1 type STRING SAVEALL_GRID NETCDFSPECTRA ----------------------------- description Reads pyrad netCDF spectra outputs previously generated with the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product types (when the dataset is of `spectra `_ type and *file_type* h5 is specified). See the data descriptor *PYRADGRID* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. NEXRADII ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data from the NEXRAD radar network. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. ODIM ----------------------------- description Reads polar radar data in the ODIM HDF5 format. usage *ODIM:datatype,dataset* where - datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ - dataset is an optional descriptor used to describe where the data is stored, it has the format "*D{time_descr_folder}-F{time_descr_file}*", where *time_descr_folder* is a datetime descriptor used to name the parent directory of the radar files, and *time_descr_file* is a datetime descriptor used to name the radar files. *time_descr_folder* can be left empty if wanted. The ODIM reader and all similar readers (e.g. CFRADIAL) assume that the names within the files are the `standard names `_. If this is not the case, you can use the structure `DataTypeIDInFiles `_ in the loc files to provide explicitely the mapping between the pyrad variable names and the variable names within your files. example *ODIM:ZDR,D{%Y%m%d}-F{%Y%m%d%H%M00}* will attempt to read the differential reflectivity from the h5 file located under *datapath/ScanList/day_dir/filename* where *datapath* and *ScanList* are as defined in the main and loc configuration files and *day_dir* contains the datetime format string *%Y%m%d* and filename contains the datetime format *%Y%m%d%H%M00*. *ODIM:dBZ,D{}-F{%Y%m%d%H%}* will attempt to read the horizontal reflectivity from the h5 file located under *datapath/ScanList/filename* where filename contains the datetime format *%Y%m%d%H%M00* (notice the omission of the *day_dir* folder which is expected not to be present. An example of use is the following dataset: :: dBuZ STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW datatype STRING ODIM:dBuZ,D{%Y%m%d????00}-F{%Y%m%d%H%M00} products STRUCT 1 PPI_EL00 STRUCT 3 type STRING PPI_IMAGE voltype STRING dBuZ anglenr INT 0 ODIMBIRDS ----------------------------- description Reads VOL2BIRD data in the ODIM HDF5 format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. ODIMGRID ----------------------------- description Reads Cartesian gridded data in the ODIM HDF5 format. See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. ODIMPYRAD ----------------------------- description Reads pyrad outputs in the HDF5 ODIM format previously generated with the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product types (when *file_type* h5 is specified). See the data descriptor *CFRADIALPYRAD* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. ODIMPYRADGRID ----------------------------- description Reads pyrad HDF5 ODIM grid outputs previously generated with the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product types (when the dataset is of `grid `_ type and *file_type* h5 is specified). See the data descriptor *PYRADGRID* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. PROC ----------------------------- description Loads a datatype that has been generated during a previous pyrad processing level (within the same configuration file) usage *PROC:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ example *PROC:dBZc* will read a corrected reflectivity field generated during a previous pyrad processing step (for example with the `echo_filter `_ dataset) PSR ----------------------------- description Reads Rainbow PSR data file (spectral) to extract range gate information(Noise and transmitted power) usage *PSR:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example :: noise_v STRUCT 10 type STRING SUNSCAN datatype STRING PSR:NdBmv sun_hit_method STRING PSR elmin FLOAT 5.0 n_noise_bins INT 8 noise_threshold FLOAT 1.5 max_fit_stddev FLOAT 0.8 do_second_noise_est STRING Yes n_indfar_bins INT 10 products STRUCT 2 SUNLOG STRUCT 1 type STRING WRITE_SUNSCAN AZ_EL STRUCT 3 type STRING PLOT_SUNSCAN vmin FLOAT -108. vmax FLOAT -102. PYRADGRID ----------------------------- description Reads pyrad netCDF grid outputs previously generated with the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product types (when the dataset is of `grid `_ type). See the data descriptor *PYRADGRID* for usage and example as it works exactly in the same way. RAINBOW ----------------------------- description Loads a field from a Rainbow file (Leonardo/Selex proprietary file format) usage *RAINBOW:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ example *RAINBOW:dBZ* will read the reflectivity from the corresponding Rainbow file ------------------------------------- MeteoSwiss specific ------------------------------------- ICON ----------------------------- description Reads data from the ICON model, previously ingested by pyrad and converted to polar coordinates with the `ICON_LOOKUP dataset `_. For this to work you will need to define the variable *iconpath* in the main pyrad configuration file. usage *ICON:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example *ICON:TEMP* will use the ICON temperature field as generated by the ICON_LOOKUP dataset. This can be used for example in the HYDROCLASS dataset. :: hydroclass STRUCT 6 type STRING HYDROCLASS datatype STRARR 5 PROC:dBZc PROC:ZDRc PROC:RhoHVc PROC:KDPc ICON:TEMP HYDRO_METHOD STRING SEMISUPERVISED RADARCENTROIDS STRING DX50 CFRADIALICON ----------------------------- description Used to read ICON data interpolated to radar coordinates in a CFRadial file format. usage *CFRADIALICON:datatype,dataset* where - datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_ - dataset is the name of the pyrad dataset for which the SAVEVOL or SAVEALL product which contains the ICON data has been generated example :: hydroclass STRUCT 6 type STRING HYDROCLASS datatype STRARR 5 PROC:dBZc PROC:ZDRc PROC:RhoHVc PROC:KDPc CFRADIALICON:TEMP,mals_mei21_vol HYDRO_METHOD STRING SEMISUPERVISED RADARCENTROIDS STRING DX50 MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 RAD4ALP ----------------------------- description Reads a METRANET format file used for the operational MeteoSwiss polar radar data. usage *RAD4ALP:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example :: RhoHV STRUCT 3 type STRING RHOHV_CORRECTION datatype STRARR 5 RAD4ALP:uRhoHV RAD4ALP:ZDR RAD4ALP:Nh RAD4ALP:Nv PROC:SNRh MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 RAD4ALPDEM ----------------------------- description Used to read visibility data saved in a binary format used by operational MeteoSwiss radars usage *RAD4ALPDEM:VIS* example :: DX50_PLA_coloc_gates STRUCT 9 type STRING COLOCATED_GATES datatype STRARR 4 RADAR001:CFRADIAL:dBZc,dBZ_avg,SAVEVOL RADAR001:DEM:VIS RADAR002:CFRADIAL:dBZc,dBZ_avg,SAVEVOL RADAR002:RAD4ALPDEM:VIS h_tol FLOAT 100. latlon_tol FLOAT 0.005 # approx. 500 m tolerance vol_d_tol FLOAT 100. vismin FLOAT 99. hmax FLOAT 10000. elmax FLOAT 20. RAD4ALPBIN ----------------------------- description Used to read data from operational MeteoSwiss Cartesian products stored as binary files (e.g. ). usage *RAD4ALPBIN:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example :: dACC STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING RAD4ALPBIN:dACC products STRUCT 1 SURFACE STRUCT 3 type STRING SURFACE_IMAGE voltype STRING Raccu level INT 0 RAD4ALPDOPPLER ----------------------------- description Used to read the MeteoSwiss operational dealiased Doppler velocity usage *RAD4ALPDOPPLER:dealV* example :: dealV STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW datatype STRARR 1 RAD4ALPDOPPLER:dealV MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 RAD4ALPGIF ----------------------------- description Used to read data from operational MeteoSwiss Cartesian products stored as gif files (e.g. CPC). usage *RAD4ALPGIF:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. From this list of variables you will typically use the CPC variables: CPC* (CPC0005, CPC0060, ...) example :: CPC0060 STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING RAD4ALPGIF:CPC0060 products STRUCT 1 SURFACE STRUCT 3 type STRING SURFACE_IMAGE voltype STRING Raccu level INT 0 RAD4ALPGRID ----------------------------- description Used to read data from operational MeteoSwiss Cartesian products stored in METRANET format. usage *RAD4ALPGRID:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example :: EZC15 STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING RAD4ALPGRID:EZC15 products STRUCT 2 SURFACE STRUCT 4 type STRING SURFACE_IMAGE voltype STRING ETOP15 vmin FLOAT 2 vmax FLOAT 8 HISTOGRAM STRUCT 3 type STRING HISTOGRAM voltype STRING ETOP15 write_data INT 1 RAD4ALPHYDRO ----------------------------- description Used to read the MeteoSwiss operational hydrometeor classification. usage *RAD4ALPHYDRO:hydro* example :: rainrate STRUCT 6 type STRING RAINRATE datatype STRARR 3 PROC:dBZc PROC:Ah RAD4ALPHYDRO:hydro RR_METHOD STRING hydro MAKE_GLOBAL INT 1 RAD4ALPIQ ----------------------------- description Used to read raw IQ data from the Swiss operational rad4alp network. usage *RAD4ALPIQ:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. example :: dBZ STRUCT 4 type STRING REFLECTIVITY_IQ datatype STRARR 2 RAD4ALPIQ:IQhhADU RAD4ALPIQ:IQNADUh subtract_noise INT 1 products STRUCT 2 ELN00_2 STRUCT 3 type STRING PPI_IMAGE anglenr INT 0 voltype STRING dBZ SAVEVOL STRUCT 2 type STRING SAVEVOL voltype STRING dBZ SATGRID ----------------------------- description Used to read CF Netcdf used for the MeteoSat satellite data in the CCS4 (Swiss Radar composite) grid. usage *SATGRID:datatype* where datatype is a pyrad variable name as listed `here `_. ------------------------------------- MeteoFrance specific ------------------------------------- MFCFRADIAL ----------------------------- .. warning:: MFCFRADIAL is deprecated since pyrad 2.0.0, please use CFRADIAL with path_convention=ODIM and specify the struct DataTypeIDInFiles in the loc file instead. description Used to read radar data from MeteoFrance written in CFRadial usage *MFCFRADIAL:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. MFBIN ----------------------------- description Used to read data from some MeteoFrance products stored as binary files usage *MFBIN:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: dBZ STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING MFBIN:dBZ,D{%Y/%m/%d}-F{%Y%m%d%H%M%S} products STRUCT 1 SURFACE_RAW STRUCT 3 type STRING SURFACE_RAW voltype STRING dBZ anglenr INT 0 MFCF ----------------------------- description Used to read data from some MeteoFrance products stored as netCDF CF files usage *MFCF:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: RR STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING MFCF:RR,D{%Y/%m/%d}-F{%Y%m%d%H%M} products STRUCT 1 HISTOGRAM STRUCT 4 type STRING HISTOGRAM voltype STRING RR binwidth_equal INT 1 write_data INT 1 MFDAT ----------------------------- description Used to read data from some MeteoFrance products stored as DAT (text) files usage *MFDAT:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: RR STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING MFDAT:RR,D{}-F{%Y%m%d%H%M} products STRUCT 1 HISTOGRAM STRUCT 4 type STRING HISTOGRAM voltype STRING RR binwidth_equal INT 1 write_data INT 1 MFGRIB ----------------------------- description Used to read data from some MeteoFrance products stored as GRIB files. usage *MFGRIB:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: HYDRE STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING MFGRIB:prec_type,D{%Y/%m/%d}-F{%Y%m%d_%H%M} products STRUCT 1 HISTOGRAM STRUCT 4 type STRING HISTOGRAM voltype STRING prec_type binwidth_equal INT 1 write_data INT 1 MFPNG ----------------------------- description Used to read data from some MeteoFrance products stored as png files. usage *MFPNG:datatype,dataset* See the data descriptor *ODIM* for usage info as it works exactly in the same way. example :: HAIL STRUCT 3 type STRING RAW_GRID datatype STRING MFPNG:prec_type,D{%Y/%m/%d}-F{%Y%m%d} products STRUCT 1 HISTOGRAM STRUCT 4 type STRING HISTOGRAM voltype STRING prec_type binwidth_equal INT 1 write_data INT 1