Location configuration file ============================== The location configuration files describes some parameters that are depending on the specific location of a radar (type of scans we want to measure, radar name, etc ). The location of the weather radar (its position) itself, is instead usually read from the radar metadata directly and it is not necessarily defined in this file. The fields are described in the table below. ==================== ======= ======================================================================================= Name Type Description ==================== ======= ======================================================================================= RadarName STRING Short version name of a C-band radar (i.e., A, D, L, P) or DX50, MXPol for the X-band radars. RadarRes STRING rad4alp radar resolution (H or L). Only necessary if rad4alp (swiss C-band) data is processed. RadarBeamwidth FLOAT Radar antenna beam width [Deg]. DataTypeIDInFiles STRUCT Structure of strings defining the mapping between pyrad names and variable names in input files. If not provided it will be expected that the name in the files are the standard py-ART names (defined in the py-ART config file). An example of such a struct could be: - dBZ STRING DBZ - ZDR STRING ZDR - RhoHV STRING RHOHV - PhiDP STRING PHIDP - KDP STRING KDP - V STRING VEL - W STRING WIDTH AntennaGaindB FLOAT Antenna gain [dB]. ScanList STRARR A list with the scans used for this data processing. Note that the first scan in this list is used as master scan. The master scan must be the first (temporal) scan of the corresponding rainbow task. In case of composite volumes the master scan is usually a PPI and the following are RHIs. If the radar processed is MCH C-band the scan list consists of the radar elevation (i.e., from 001 to 020). All scan names must have a trailing '/' except if rad4alp data is processed. ScanPeriod FLOAT Repetition period of each scan in minutes. Azimtol FLOAT Tolerance in azimuth for irregular data. (0.5 is a good value). clutterMap STRING Clutter map of the data processing. The clutter map is located at ``/clutter/``. AntennaGain FLOAT Radar antenna gain. Not used for X-band MCH data. radarconsth(v) FLOAT Radar constant h (v). Not mandatory. mflossh(v) FLOAT Matched filter losses h (v). Not mandatory. attg FLOAT Gas attenuation coefficient (units? (1 way attenuation)). IconRunFreq INT Frequency of a Icon model run in hours. IconForecasted INT Hours forecasted by the Icon model. rmax FLOAT For C-band data, the maximum range in [m] to be considered. Useful for speed considerations. elmax FLOAT Maximum elevation [°] to consider. ppiImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the PPI image generating (PPI_IMAGE or PSEUDOPPI_IMAGE products). The following 6 fields are described below: - xsize INT Number of horizontal pixels of the picture (without frame). - ysize INT Number of vertical pixels of the picture (without frame). - xmin FLOAT Distance of the left image boundary to the radar in km. - xmax FLOAT Distance of the right image boundary to the radar in km. - ymin FLOAT Distance of the lower image boundary to the radar in km. - ymax FLOAT Distance of the upper image boundary to the radar in km. - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. rhiImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the RHI image generating (RHI_IMAGE or PSEUDORHI_IMAGE products). The following 6 fields are described below: - xsize INT Number of horizontal pixels of the picture (without frame). - ysize INT Number of vertical pixels of the picture (without frame). - xmin FLOAT Distance of the left image boundary to the radar in km. - xmax FLOAT Distance of the right image boundary to the radar in km. - ymin FLOAT Distance of the lower image boundary (vertical direction) to the radar in km. - ymax FLOAT Distance of the upper image boundary (vertical direction) to the radar in km. - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. ppiMapImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the PPI image overlaid on a map (PPI_MAP product). The following 9 fields are described below: - rngRing FLOAT Distance between range rings (0 means no range ring) [km]. - xsize FLOAT Image size (inches) [inch]. - ysize FLOAT Image size (inches) [inch]. - lonmin FLOAT Minimum WGS84 longitude [°]. - lonmax FLOAT Maximum WGS84 longitude [°]. - latmin FLOAT Minimum WGS84 latitude [°]. - latmax FLOAT Maximum WGS84 latitude [°]. - latstep FLOAT Step in latitude [°] used in the map gridlines. - lonstep FLOAT Step in longitude [°] used in the map gridlines. - exact_limits INT If set to 1 will use exactly the user-specified latmin/latmax, lonmin/lonmax, if set to 0 will round them to the nearest integer. - mapres STRING Map resolution. Accepted strings are: “10m”, “50m”, “110m”. - maps STRARR String array of possible maps to overplot. Accepted entries include: relief, countries, provinces, urban_areas, roads, railroads, coastline, lakes, lakes_europe, rivers, rivers_europe. - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. gridMapImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the display of gridded data overlaid on a map (SURFACE_IMAGE product). - xsize FLOAT Image size (inches) [inch]. - ysize FLOAT Image size (inches) [inch]. - lonmin FLOAT Minimum WGS84 longitude [°]. - lonmax FLOAT Maximum WGS84 longitude [°]. - latmin FLOAT Minimum WGS84 latitude [°]. - latmax FLOAT Maximum WGS84 latitude [°]. - latstep FLOAT Step in latitude [°] used in the map gridlines. - lonstep FLOAT Step in longitude [°] used in the map gridlines. - exact_limits INT If set to 1 will use exactly the user-specified latmin/latmax, lonmin/lonmax, if set to 0 will round them to the nearest integer. - mapres STRING Map resolution. Accepted strings are: “10m”, “50m”, “110m”. - maps STRARR String array of possible maps to overplot. Accepted entries include: relief, countries, provinces, urban_areas, roads, railroads, coastline, lakes, lakes_europe, rivers, rivers_europe - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. xsecImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the cross-section images generated from gridded data (CROSS_SECTION, LATITUDE_SLICE and LONGITUDE_SLICE products) - xsize INT Number of horizontal pixels of the picture (without frame). - ysize INT Number of vertical pixels of the picture (without frame). - xmin FLOAT Distance of the left image boundary to the radar in km. - xmax FLOAT Distance of the right image boundary to the radar in km. - ymin FLOAT Distance of the lower image boundary (vertical direction) to the radar in km. - ymax FLOAT Distance of the upper image boundary (vertical direction) to the radar in km. - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. spectraImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the Doppler spectral plots: - xsize INT Number of horizontal pixels of the picture (without frame). - ysize INT Number of vertical pixels of the picture (without frame). - ymin FLOAT Minimum range above radar [km] - ymax FLOAT Maximum range above radar [km] - velmin FLOAT Minimum Doppler velocity that should be displayed. - velmax FLOAT Maximum Doppler velocity that should be displayed. - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. sunhitsImageConfig STRUCT Structure defining the sun hits image. The following 6 fields are described below: - xsize INT Number of horizontal pixels of the picture (without frame). - ysize INT Number of vertical pixels of the picture (without frame). - xmin FLOAT Minimum azimuth angle difference (between sun and radar). - xmax FLOAT Maximum azimuth angle difference (between sun and radar). - ymin FLOAT Minimum elevation angle difference (between sun and radar). - ymax FLOAT Maximum azimuth angle difference (between sun and radar). - dpi INT Resolution of the image in dots per inch. azPatternFile STRING Name of the azimuth pattern file of the antenna. This file and path must be ``/antenna/``. elPatternFile STRING Name of the elevation pattern file of the antenna. This file and path must be ``/antenna/``. fixed_angle FLOAT Fixed angle of a PAR antenna in degrees. For the PAR azimuth antenna this is the elevation angle. For the elevation antenna it is the azimuth angle. ==================== ======= =======================================================================================