
0.4.0 Open Alpha (2021-05-24)

  • Added the new ExposureMapSequence class providing much improved map making capabilities (this was the majority of the work)

  • Added the render_map() function to produce more beautiful maps across in a more versatile way

  • Added the str2daysofyear() function to interpret keywords like month names and produce the days of the year

  • Added the analyse_variable() function to the SpecificDoses class for more flexible analysis options

0.3.1 Open Alpha (2021-03-29)

  • Fixed errors in example code in documentation

  • Fixed ER_Vernez_2015() function

  • Updated assumptions about units to reflect new dataset from Vuilleumier in UVI rather than W m-2

  • Fixed issue where modifying map_options property would result in it being set to None

0.3.0 Open Alpha (2021-03-23)

  • Compiled and added to PyPI for easy public access

  • Added standalone function for calculating ER using the Vernez 2015 method: ER_Vernez_2015()

  • Significantly expanded and standardised docstrings, adding examples

  • Fixed error involving day selection in SpecificDoses class being one day late

  • Added SpecificDoses.standard_column_names() function for standardising column names to ensure functionality

0.2.0 Alpha (2021-03-11)

  • Added documentation

  • Added basic unit tests for each class (SpecificDoses and ExposureMap)

  • Added histogram descriptor calculator functions to subroutines.

  • Added map making functionality for ExposureMap class, limited consideration of map_options at this stage

  • Fixed errors when working with single day test data (but anticipate further issues with this, to be fixed in a later release)

0.1.0 Pre-Alpha (2021-03-02)

  • Alpha release on github only, no documentation and limited functionality