
Python-TAMER was built using Python 3.8. It may still work on older versions of python, but this has not been tested.

Anaconda Users

The easiest way to install python-TAMER is with Anaconda. First, ensure the Dependencies (listed below) are installed and up-to-date. This is most easily done using the Anaconda Navigator. Users opting to use conda commands in a terminal will first want to add the conda-forge channel to their environment:

conda config --append channels conda-forge

They should then be able to install the the dependencies with the command:

conda install numpy pandas matplotlib netcdf4 cartopy

Finally, python-TAMER can be installed by using pip within the conda environment:

pip install python-tamer

Pip Users

Pip users will have to ensure Cartopy is installed which is not a trivial operation due to some dependencies it has. However, once that is done, installing python-TAMER should be as simple as the command:

pip install python-tamer