
global configuration for meteodatalab.


get(key[, default, config])

Get values from global config.


Temporarily set configuration values within a context manager.

meteodatalab.config.get(key: str, default: Any = None, config: dict = {}) Any[source]

Get values from global config.

  • key (str) – specifies the name of the key for which the value is requested

  • default (Any) – default value to be returned in case the key does not exist in config

  • config (dict, optional) – config object holding the mapping. Default value is the global config

meteodatalab.config.set_values(config: dict = {}, **kwargs)[source]

Temporarily set configuration values within a context manager.

  • config (dict, optional) – dictionary object use to hold the configuration. Default will use the config object in this module

  • **kwargs – the configuration key-value pairs to set.