
A model data processing framework based on xarray.


[!WARNING] This project is BETA and will be experimental for the forseable future. Interfaces and functionality are likely to change, and the project itself may be scrapped. Do not use this software in any project/software that is operational.


Once you created or cloned this repository, make sure the installation is running properly. Install the package dependencies with the provided script Check available options with

tools/ -h

We distinguish pinned installations based on exported (reproducible) environments and free installations where the installation is based on top-level dependencies listed in requirements/requirements.yaml. If you start developing, you might want to do an unpinned installation and export the environment:

tools/ -u -e -n <package_env_name>

Hint: If you are the package administrator, it is a good idea to understand what this script does, you can do everything manually with conda instructions.

Hint: Use the flag -m to speed up the installation using mamba. Of course you will have to install mamba first we recommend to install mamba into your base environment conda install -c conda-forge mamba. If you install mamba in another (maybe dedicated) environment, environments installed with mamba will be located in <miniconda_root_dir>/envs/mamba/envs, which is not very practical.

The package itself is installed with pip. For development, install in editable mode:

conda activate <package_env_name>
pip install --editable .

Warning: Make sure you use the right pip, i.e. the one from the installed conda environment (which pip should point to something like path/to/miniconda/envs/<package_env_name>/bin/pip).

Once your package is installed, run the tests by typing:

conda activate <package_env_name>


This package was created with copier and the MeteoSwiss-APN/mch-python-blueprint project template.