
There are two installation types, a production installation, which is static, and a development installation, which is editable.


To install meteodata-lab you need a miniconda installation. You can either set up your miniconda installation manually or use the script tools/, which will download and install the latest version of miniconda.

Installation of dependencies

Dependencies are handled by the conda package manager. The goal of this step is to set up a conda environment according to the requirements of meteodata-lab. Note that by design, there are some dependencies already when you start developing the package, as the environment includes linters and other development tools.

The dependencies are handled in requirement files. Free installations are based on the requirements/requirements.yaml file, where the top-level dependencies of the package are listed. Pinned installations are based on exported environments and stored in the file requirements/environment.yaml.

Environments (based on either unpinned or pinned requirements) are handled by the script tools/ The optional flag -u stands for unpinned installation:

$ bash tools/ -u

This will create an up-to-date environment that can be exported to requirements/environment.yaml with the optional flag -e (see below).

You can control the environment name with the flag -n and the Python version with -v. Run ./tools/setup_env -h for available options and defaults (incl. mamba support).

Installation of meteodata-lab

After creating and activating your environment by running

$ ./tools/
$ conda activate meteodata-lab

in the root folder of meteodata-lab, type

$ python -m pip install --no-deps .

for a (static) production installation and

$ pip install --no-deps --editable .

for a (editable) development installation.

Maintenance of the environment (for developers)

If you need to add new first-level dependencies to your package, make sure to include them in requirements/requirements.yaml. (Note that pip requirements can be added to these files in the - pip: section of the document.) After a (unpinned!) installation, this will change the full dependency tree and you need to export the environment. You can either do this by hand by activating the environment and then running

$ conda env export meteodata-lab requirements/environment.yaml

or you can reinstall with the setup script from requirements/requirements.yaml and directly export the environment with the -e flag.

$ ./tools/setup_env -ue

Interaction with Jenkins and Github actions

Your package is always built on a Github actions server upon committing to the main branch. If your code goes into production, pinned production installations must be tested with Jenkins on CSCS machines. Templates may be found in the jenkins/ folder. Contact DevOps to help you set up your pipeline.