Source code for meteodatalab.operators.brn

"""algorithm for BRN operator."""

# Third-party
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local
from .. import metadata
from .. import physical_constants as pc
from .destagger import destagger
from .thetav import fthetav

[docs] def fbrn( p: xr.DataArray, t: xr.DataArray, qv: xr.DataArray, u: xr.DataArray, v: xr.DataArray, hhl: xr.DataArray, hsurf: xr.DataArray, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Bulk Richardson Number (BRN). Parameters ---------- p : xarray.DataArray pressure in Pa t : xarray.DataArray air temperature in K qv : xarray.DataArray specific humidity (dimensionless) u : xarray.DataArray the x component of the wind velocity in m/s v : xarray.DataArray the y component of the wind velocity in m/s hhl : xarray.DataArray Heights of the interfaces between vertical layers in m amsl hsurf : xarray.DataArray earth surface height in m amsl Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Bulk Richardson Number (dimensionless) """ nlevels = p.sizes["z"] thetav = fthetav(p, t, qv) thetav_sum = ( thetav.isel(z=slice(None, None, -1)) .cumsum(dim="z") .isel(z=slice(None, None, -1)) ) nlevels_xr = xr.DataArray(data=np.arange(nlevels, 0, -1), dims=["z"]) u_ = destagger(u, "x") v_ = destagger(v, "y") hfl = destagger(hhl, "z") brn = ( pc.g * (hfl - hsurf) * (thetav - thetav.isel(z=nlevels - 1)) * nlevels_xr / (thetav_sum * (u_**2 + v_**2)) ) return xr.DataArray( data=brn, attrs=metadata.override(p.message, shortName="BRN"), )