Source code for meteodatalab.operators.gis

"""Geospatial logic."""

# Standard library
import dataclasses as dc
import typing
from import Mapping

# Third-party
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local
from .. import metadata
from ..grib_decoder import set_code_flag
from .support_operators import get_grid_coords

[docs] @dc.dataclass class RotLatLonGrid: """Class representing a rotated lat lon grid. Attributes ---------- rlon : xr.DataArray longitude values in degrees of the grid points in the rotated lat lon CRS. rlat : xr.DataArray latitude values in degrees of the grid points in the rotated lat lon CRS. north_pole_lon : float longitude of the rotated north pole in degrees. north_pole_lat : float latitude of the rotated north pole in degrees. """ # all units in degrees rlon: xr.DataArray rlat: xr.DataArray north_pole_lon: float north_pole_lat: float
def _check_requirements(geo: Mapping[str, typing.Any]) -> None: requirements = { "angleOfRotationInDegrees": 0.0, "gridType": "rotated_ll", "iScansNegatively": 0, "jScansPositively": 1, } errors = {key: geo[key] for key in requirements if requirements[key] != geo[key]} if errors: msg = f"Unsupported values for keys: {errors}" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def get_grid(geo: Mapping[str, typing.Any]) -> RotLatLonGrid: """Get grid parameters for a given field. Only fields defined on regular grids in rotlatlon coordinates, without rotation nor flipped axes are supported. Parameters ---------- geo : Mapping[str, Any] Grib keys related to the geography of the field. Raises ------ ValueError if the field does not fulfill the conditions above. Returns ------- RotLatLonGrid object representing the rotated lat lon grid. """ _check_requirements(geo) ni = geo["Ni"] x0 = geo["longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees"] dx = geo["iDirectionIncrementInDegrees"] rlon = get_grid_coords(ni, x0, dx, "x") nj = geo["Nj"] y0 = geo["latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees"] dy = geo["jDirectionIncrementInDegrees"] rlat = get_grid_coords(nj, y0, dy, "y") lon_np = (geo["longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees"] - 180) % 360 lat_np = -1 * geo["latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees"] return RotLatLonGrid(rlon, rlat, lon_np, lat_np)
[docs] def rot2geolatlon(grid: RotLatLonGrid) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Compute geographical lat lon values for a rotated lat lon grid. Parameters ---------- grid : RotLatLonGrid object representing the rotated lat lon grid. Returns ------- tuple[xarray.DataArray, xarray.DataArray] tuple of longitudes and latitudes of the grid points in the geographical lat lon CRS. """ deg2rad = np.pi / 180 rad2deg = 180 / np.pi sin_np_lat = np.sin(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lat) cos_np_lat = np.cos(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lat) sin_np_lon = np.sin(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lon) cos_np_lon = np.cos(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lon) # Compute new coordinates # ... normalize input coordinates norm_lon = deg2rad * grid.rlon.where(grid.rlon < 180, grid.rlon - 360) # ... cache trigonometric operations sin_lat = np.sin(deg2rad * grid.rlat) cos_lat = np.cos(deg2rad * grid.rlat) sin_lon = np.sin(norm_lon) cos_lon = np.cos(norm_lon) # ... compute latitude arg1 = cos_np_lat * cos_lat * cos_lon + sin_np_lat * sin_lat lat = rad2deg * np.arcsin(arg1) # ... compute longitude arg2 = ( sin_np_lon * (-sin_np_lat * cos_lon * cos_lat + cos_np_lat * sin_lat) - cos_np_lon * sin_lon * cos_lat ) arg3 = ( cos_np_lon * (-sin_np_lat * cos_lon * cos_lat + cos_np_lat * sin_lat) + sin_np_lon * sin_lon * cos_lat ) # BUG: changes sign when arg2 is negative and less than threshold arg4 = xr.where(np.abs(arg3) < 1e-20, 1e-20, arg3) lon = rad2deg * np.arctan2(arg2, arg4) % 360 return lon, lat
[docs] def geolatlon2swiss( lon: xr.DataArray, lat: xr.DataArray ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Convert from geolatlon to swiss coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon : xarray.DataArray longitude coordinates in the geolatlon CRS. lat : xarray.DataArray latitude coordinates in the geolatlon CRS. Returns ------- tuple[xarray.DataArray, xarray.DataArray] x and y coordinates in the Swiss LV03 coordinate system. Notes ----- Approximate formula published by swisstopo, precision in the order of 1 meter """ norm_lat = ((lat * 3.6) - 169.02866) / 10 lon = lon.where(lon < 180, lon - 360) norm_lon = ((lon * 3.6) - 26.7825) / 10 y = ( 200147.07 + 3745.25 * norm_lon * norm_lon + norm_lat * ( 308807.95 + 76.63 * norm_lat - 194.56 * norm_lon * norm_lon + 119.79 * norm_lat * norm_lat ) ) x = 600072.37 + norm_lon * ( 211455.93 - 10938.51 * norm_lat - 0.36 * norm_lat * norm_lat - 44.54 * norm_lon * norm_lon ) return x, y
[docs] def vref_rot2geolatlon( u: xr.DataArray, v: xr.DataArray ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Apply coordinate rotation to vector field. When converting from rotated lat lon to geo lat lon, the orientation of the grid changes and vector fields for which the components are expressed in the grid unit vectors need to be realigned. Note that this function does not perform any regridding. Parameters ---------- u : xarray.DataArray x component of the vector field w.r.t. a rotated lat lon grid. v : xarray.DataArray y component of the vector field w.r.t. a rotated lat lon grid. Returns ------- tuple[xarray.DataArray, xarray.DataArray] x and y components of the vector field w.r.t. the geo lat lon coords. """ if u.origin_x != 0.0 or v.origin_y != 0.0: raise ValueError("The vector fields must be destaggered.") grid = get_grid(u.geography) lon, lat = rot2geolatlon(grid) u_g, v_g = _vref_rot2geolatlon(u, v, lon, lat, grid) # bit 5 left unset since u/v relative to grid in x (i) and y (j) directions, # not defined grid; bits 3 and 4 set as i, j direction increments given resolution_components_flags = set_code_flag([3, 4]) return ( xr.DataArray( u_g, attrs=metadata.override( u.message, resolutionAndComponentFlags=resolution_components_flags ), ), xr.DataArray( v_g, attrs=metadata.override( v.message, resolutionAndComponentFlags=resolution_components_flags ), ), )
def _vref_rot2geolatlon( u: xr.DataArray, v: xr.DataArray, lon: xr.DataArray, lat: xr.DataArray, grid: RotLatLonGrid, ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: deg2rad = np.pi / 180 sin_np = np.sin(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lat) cos_np = np.cos(deg2rad * grid.north_pole_lat) norm_lat = lat * deg2rad norm_dlon = (grid.north_pole_lon - lon) * deg2rad arg1 = cos_np * np.sin(norm_dlon) arg2 = sin_np * np.cos(norm_lat) - cos_np * np.sin(norm_lat) * np.cos(norm_dlon) norm = 1.0 / np.sqrt(arg1**2 + arg2**2) u_out = u * arg2 * norm + v * arg1 * norm v_out = -u * arg1 * norm + v * arg2 * norm return u_out, v_out