Source code for meteodatalab.operators.pot_vortic

"""Implementation of the potential vorticity operator."""

# Third-party
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local
from .. import metadata
from .. import physical_constants as pc
from . import diff
from .curl import curl
from .gis import get_grid
from .total_diff import TotalDiff

[docs] def compute_pot_vortic( u: xr.DataArray, v: xr.DataArray, w: xr.DataArray, theta: xr.DataArray, rho_tot: xr.DataArray, hhl: xr.DataArray, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Compute the potential vorticity. The potential vorticity is computed with the following formula: .. math:: v_p = \frac{1}{\rho} * \frac{\partial \Theta}{\partial \z} * (c_v + 2 \Omega) where :math:`\rho` is the total air density, :math:`\frac{\partial \Theta}{\partial \z}` is the vertical gradient of the potential temperature, :math:`c_v` is the curl of the wind in y direction and :math`\Omega` is the coriolis term. Parameters ---------- u : xarray.DataArray Wind in x direction [m/s] v : xarray.DataArray Wind in y direction [m/s] w : xarray.DataArray Wind in z direction [m/s] theta : xarray.DataArray Potential Temperature [K] rho_tot : xarray.DataArray Total density [kg m-3] hhl : xarray.DataArray Height at half levels [m] Returns ------- xarray.DataArray The potential vorticity """ # target coordinates deg2rad = np.pi / 180 lat = ( * deg2rad).astype(np.float32) rlat = get_grid(hhl.geography).rlat * deg2rad total_diff = TotalDiff.from_hhl(hhl) # compute curl curl1, curl2, curl3 = curl(u, v, w, rlat, total_diff) # coriolis terms cor2 = 2 * / pc.earth_radius * np.cos(lat) cor3 = 2 * * np.sin(lat) dt_dlam = total_diff.d_dlam(diff.dx(theta), dt_dphi = total_diff.d_dphi(diff.dy(theta), dt_dzeta = total_diff.d_dzeta( # potential vorticity out = ( dt_dlam * curl1 + dt_dphi * (curl2 + cor2) - dt_dzeta * (curl3 + cor3) ) / rho_tot out.attrs = metadata.override(theta.message, shortName="POT_VORTIC") return out