Source code for meteodatalab.operators.relhum

"""Relative humidity operators."""

# Standard library
from typing import Literal

# Third-party
import xarray as xr

# Local
from .. import metadata
from .atmo import pv_si, pv_sm, pv_sw, qv_pvp

[docs] def relhum( qv, t, p, clipping=True, phase: Literal["water", "ice", "water+ice"] = "water" ): """Calculate relative humidity. Parameters ---------- qv : xarray.DataArray water vapor mixing ratio t : xarray.DataArray temperature in Kelvin p : xarray.DataArray pressure in Pa clipping : bool clips the relative humidity to [0,100] interval. Only upper bound is controlled by this parameter, since lower bound clipping is always performed. phase : Literal["water", "ice", "water+ic"] Customizes how relative humidity is computed. 'water' over water 'ice' over ice 'water+ice' over mixed phase Returns ------- xarray.DataArray relative humidity field in % """ max = 100 if clipping else None phase_conditions = { "water": {"func": pv_sw(t), "shortName": "RELHUM"}, "ice": {"func": pv_si(t), "shortName": "RH_ICE"}, "water+ice": {"func": pv_sm(t), "shortName": "RH_MIX_EC"}, } if phase not in phase_conditions: raise ValueError("Invalid phase. Phase must be 'water', 'ice', or 'water+ice'.") result = (100.0 * qv / qv_pvp(phase_conditions[phase]["func"], p)).clip(0, max) return xr.DataArray( data=result, attrs=metadata.override( t.message, shortName=phase_conditions[phase]["shortName"] ), )