Source code for meteodatalab.operators.thetav

"""Definition of the thetav operator."""

# Third-party
import xarray as xr

# Local
from .. import metadata
from .. import physical_constants as pc

[docs] def fthetav(p: xr.DataArray, t: xr.DataArray, qv: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Virtual potential temperature in K. Parameters ---------- p : xarray.DataArray pressure in Pa t : xarray.DataArray air temperature in K qv : xarray.DataArray specific humidity (dimensionless) Returns ------- xarray.DataArray virtual potential temperature in K """ # Reference surface pressure for computation of potential temperature p0 = 1.0e5 return xr.DataArray( data=(p0 / p) ** pc.rdocp * t * (1.0 + (pc.rvd_o * qv / (1.0 - qv))), attrs=metadata.override(t.message, shortName="THETA_V"), )