Source code for meteodatalab.operators.vertical_reduction

"""Vertical reduction operators."""

# Third-party
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# First-party
from meteodatalab.operators.destagger import destagger

[docs] def minmax_k(field, operator, mode, height, h_bounds, hsurf=None): """Find the extremum of a field given on k levels on some height interval. Parameters ---------- field : xarray.DataArray field to reduce, defined either on model layer mid surfaces (typeOfLevel="generalVerticalLayer") or on model layer surfaces (typeOfLevel="generalVertical") height : xarray.DataArray height field defined on the same typeOfLevel as the field to reduce operator : str reduction operator, possible values are "maximum", "minimum" mode : str definition mode for height interval boundaries, possible values are "h2h": height agl to height agl "h2z": height agl to height amsl "z2h": height amsl to height agl "z2z": height amsl to height amsl h_bounds : list of xarray.DataArray of length 2 height interval bounds (surface level field or single level of a multi-level field) hsurf : Optional(xarray.DataArray) earth surface height in m amsl required if mode is one of {"h2h", "h2z", "z2h"} Returns ------- rfield : xarray.DataArray reduced field """ # Note on multilevel results # z2z: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # z2h: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # h2h: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # h2z: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # TODO: add some checks on level types of input fields, and on values # and order of h_bounds # Parameters # ... supported reduction operators reduction_operators = ("maximum", "minimum") # ... supported height interval modes height_interval_modes = ("h2h", "h2z", "z2h", "z2z") # Check arguments # ... operator if operator not in reduction_operators: raise RuntimeError("minmax_k: unsupported operator ", operator) # ... mode if mode not in height_interval_modes: raise RuntimeError("minmax_k: unsupported mode ", mode) # ... hsurf if mode in ["h2z", "z2h", "h2h"] and hsurf is None: raise RuntimeError( "minmax_k: hsurf is required when using operator ", operator, "with mode ", mode, ) # Height bounds are always converted to heights amsl; lower_bound_type # and upper_bound_type can be used to code typeOfFirstFixedSurface # and typeOfSecondFixedSurface in GRIB2, and to set the bounds attribute for # the vertical coordinates in NetCDF h_bottom, h_top = h_bounds if mode in ["h2z", "h2h"]: # raise error as long as no unit test is available raise NotImplementedError( "minmax_k: unit test not yet implemented for mode ", mode ) # ... convert lower bound to height amsl: h_bottom += hsurf if mode in ["z2h", "h2h"]: # raise error as long as no unit test is available raise NotImplementedError( "minmax_k: unit test not yet implemented for mode ", mode ) # ... convert upper bound to height amsl: h_top += hsurf # Find height interval including the interval [h_bottom, h_top] # ... maximum/minimum: extremum over the field values at all model # levels included in the height interval, and at the interval boundaries # after linear interpolation wrt height; f and auxiliary height fields # must either both be defined on full levels or half levels if field.vcoord_type != height.vcoord_type or field.origin_z != height.origin_z: raise RuntimeError( "minmax_k: height is not defined for the same level type as field." ) field_in_h_bounds = field.where((height >= h_bottom) & (height <= h_top)).dropna( "z" ) heightkp1 = height.shift({"z": -1}) fieldkp1 = field.shift({"z": -1}) gradf = (field - fieldkp1) / (height - heightkp1) gradfkm1 = gradf.shift({"z": 1}) field_extrapolated_to_h_top = xr.where( (height > h_top) & (heightkp1 < h_top), field + gradf * (height - h_top), np.nan, ).dropna("z") field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom = xr.where( (heightkp1 < h_bottom) & (height > h_bottom), field + gradfkm1 * (height - h_bottom), np.nan, ).dropna("z") # ... compute the extremum if operator == "minimum": rfield = field_in_h_bounds.min(dim="z") if field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom.size > 0: rfield = xr.where( field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom < rfield, field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom, rfield, ) if field_extrapolated_to_h_top.size > 0: rfield = xr.where( field_extrapolated_to_h_top < rfield, field_extrapolated_to_h_top, rfield, ) else: rfield = field_in_h_bounds.max(dim="z") if field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom.size > 0: rfield = xr.where( field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom > rfield, field_extrapolated_to_h_bottom, rfield, ) if field_extrapolated_to_h_top.size > 0: rfield = xr.where( field_extrapolated_to_h_top > rfield, field_extrapolated_to_h_top, rfield, ) return rfield
[docs] def integrate_k(field, operator, mode, height, h_bounds, hsurf=None): """Integrate a field given on k levels on some height interval. Parameters ---------- field : xarray.DataArray field to reduce, defined either on model layer mid surfaces (typeOfLevel="generalVerticalLayer") or on model layer surfaces (typeOfLevel="generalVertical") height : xarray.DataArray height field on model layer surfaces (typeOfLevel="generalVertical") operator : str integral operator, possible values are "integral", "normed_integral" mode : str definition mode for height interval boundaries, possible values are "h2h": height agl to height agl "h2z": height agl to height amsl "z2h": height amsl to height agl "z2z": height amsl to height amsl h_bounds : list of xarray.DataArray of length 2 height interval bounds (surface level field or single level of a multi-level field) hsurf : Optional(xarray.DataArray) earth surface height in m amsl required if mode is one of {"h2h", "h2z", "z2h"} Returns ------- rfield : xarray.DataArray reduced field """ # Note on multilevel results # z2z: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # z2h: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # h2h: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # h2z: h_bounds elements refer to single level of a height field # TODO: add some checks on level types of input fields, and on values and # order of h_bounds # Parameters # ... supported reduction operators integral_operators = ("integral", "normed_integral") # ... supported height interval modes height_interval_modes = ("h2h", "h2z", "z2h", "z2z") # Check arguments # ... operator if operator not in integral_operators: raise RuntimeError("integrate_k: unsupported operator ", operator) # ... mode if mode not in height_interval_modes: raise RuntimeError("integrate_k: unsupported mode ", mode) # ... hsurf if mode in ["h2z", "z2h", "h2h"] and hsurf is None: raise RuntimeError( "integrate_k: hsurf is required when using operator ", operator, "with mode ", mode, ) # Height bounds are always converted to heights a msl # TODO: additional variables lower_bound_type and upper_bound_type could be set # here for later usage to code # typeOfFirstFixedSurface and typeOfSecondFixedSurface in GRIB2, and to set the # bounds attribute for the vertical # coordinates in NetCDF h_bottom, h_top = h_bounds if mode in ["h2z", "h2h"]: # raise error as long as no unit test is available raise NotImplementedError( "integrate_k: unit test not yet implemented for mode ", mode ) # ... convert lower bound to height amsl: h_bottom += hsurf if mode in ["z2h", "h2h"]: # raise error as long as no unit test is available raise NotImplementedError( "integrate_k: unit test not yet implemented for mode ", mode ) # ... convert upper bound to height amsl: h_top += hsurf # Find height interval including the interval [h_bottom, h_top] # ... integral: approximated by midpoint rule, taking into account that h_bottom # and h_top, respectively, may not coincide with a model layer interface; # # if typeOfLevel(f)="generalVerticalLayer" # f(kstart)[h_top - hhl(kstart+1)] + # sum(k=kstart+1,kstop-1)f(k)[hhl(k)-hhl(k+1)] + # f(kstop)[hhl(kstop) - h_bottom] # if typeOfLevel(f)="generalVertical" # 0.5*[f(kstart+1) + f(kstart)][h_top - hhl(kstart+1)] + # sum(k=kstart+1,kstop-1)0.5*[f(k+1)+f(k)][hhl(k)-hhl(k+1)] + # 0.5*[f(kstop)+f(kstop+1)][hhl(kstop) - h_bottom] # kstart and kstop refer to all model midpoint surfaces included # in the height interval. # ... normed_integral: integral / (h_top - h_bottom) if field.vcoord_type != "model_level": raise RuntimeError( "integrate_k: field must be defined for level type " "generalVertical or generalVerticalLayer" ) if field.origin_z != 0.0: field_on_fl = destagger(field, "z") else: field_on_fl = field # ... prepare the height hfl of model mid layer surfaces (needed to select # the field values within [h_bottom, h_top]) hfl = destagger(height, "z") # .. prepare dh = height(k) - height(k+1), defined on model mid layer surfaces hhlk = height[{"z": slice(-1)}] hhlkp1 = height.shift(z=-1)[{"z": slice(-1)}] dh = xr.where((hhlk > h_top) & (hhlkp1 < h_top), h_top - hhlkp1, hhlk - hhlkp1) dh = xr.where((hhlkp1 < h_bottom) & (hhlk > h_bottom), hhlk - h_bottom, dh) # ... find field and dh where hfl is in interval [h_bottom, h_top] # ... note that the dimension "generalVericalLayer" is lost of this condition is # nowhere satisfied field_in_h_bounds = field_on_fl.where((hfl >= h_bottom) & (hfl <= h_top)).dropna( dim="z", how="all", ) dh_in_h_bounds = dh.where((hfl >= h_bottom) & (hfl <= h_top)).dropna( dim="z", how="all", ) # ... compute integral by midpoint rule (apply fractional corrections for # the height intervals containing h_top and h_bottom) # at grid points where field_in_h_bounds is not undefined for all entries # along dimension "generalVerticalLayer" # NOTE: The vertical dimension is lost in the reduction operation; one could use # xr.DataArray.expand_dims to add a vertical dim # of size 1 and assign a coordinate with associated attributes to it # re-ordering of dimensions would, however, be unnecessary due to xarray's # broadcasting by dimension name # TODO: assign coordinates and attributes to rfield if "z" in field_in_h_bounds.dims: rfield = ( (field_in_h_bounds * dh_in_h_bounds) .sum(dim="z") .where(~field_in_h_bounds.isnull().all(dim="z")) # the line above reverts all nan columns to nan value instead of zero ) if operator == "normed_integral": rfield /= h_top - h_bottom else: rfield = xr.full_like(field_in_h_bounds, fill_value=np.nan) return rfield