
pyart.core.cartesian_to_geographic_aeqd(x, y, lon_0, lat_0, R=6370997.0)[source]#

Azimuthal equidistant Cartesian to geographic coordinate transform.

Transform a set of Cartesian/Cartographic coordinates (x, y) to geographic coordinate system (lat, lon) using a azimuthal equidistant map projection [1].


Where x, y are the Cartesian position from the center of projection; lat, lon the corresponding latitude and longitude; lat_0, lon_0 are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection; R is the radius of the earth (defaults to ~6371 km). lon is adjusted to be between -180 and 180.

  • x, y (array-like) – Cartesian coordinates in the same units as R, typically meters.

  • lon_0, lat_0 (float) – Longitude and latitude, in degrees, of the center of the projection.

  • R (float, optional) – Earth radius in the same units as x and y. The default value is in units of meters.


lon, lat (array) – Longitude and latitude of Cartesian coordinates in degrees.
