- pyart.retrieve.est_wind_profile(radar, npoints_min=6, azi_spacing_max=45.0, vel_diff_max=10.0, sign=1, rad_vel_field=None, u_vel_field=None, v_vel_field=None, w_vel_field=None, vel_est_field=None, vel_std_field=None, vel_diff_field=None)[source]#
Estimates the vertical wind profile using VAD techniques
- Parameters:
radar (Radar) – Radar object
npoints_min (int) – Minimum number of points in the VAD to retrieve wind components. 0 will retrieve them regardless
azi_spacing_max (float) – Maximum spacing between valid gates in the VAD to retrieve wind components. 0 will retrieve them regardless.
vel_diff_max (float) – Maximum velocity difference allowed between retrieved and measured radial velocity at each range gate. Gates exceeding this threshold will be removed and VAD will be recomputed. If -1 there will not be a second pass.
sign (int, optional) – Sign convention which the radial velocities in the volume created from the sounding data will will. This should match the convention used in the radar data. A value of 1 represents when positive values velocities are towards the radar, -1 represents when negative velocities are towards the radar.
rad_vel_field (str) – name of the measured radial velocity field
u_vel_field, v_vel_field, w_vel_field (str) – names of the 3 wind components fields
vel_est_field (str) – name of the retrieved radial Doppler velocity field
vel_std_field (str) – name of the standard deviation of the velocity retrieval field
vel_diff_field (str) – name of the diference between retrieved and measured radial velocity field
- Returns:
wind (dict) – Field dictionary containing the estimated wind velocity