Radar Retrievals (pyart.retrieve
Radar retrievals.
Composite Reflectivity#
Composite Reflectivity |
Melting Layer (ML) Detection#
Detects the melting layer (ML) using the reflectivity and copolar correlation coefficient. |
Detects the melting layer following the approach by Giangrande et al (2008) |
Using the results of the hydrometeor classification by Besic et al. estimates the position of the range gates respect to the melting layer, the melting layer top and bottom height and the distance of the range gate with respect to the freezing level. |
Computes the height of the lower left and upper right points of the range resolution volume. |
Computes the apparent profile of RhoHV |
Detects the melting layer following the approach implemented at Meteo-France |
get the minimum and maximum range affected by the melting layer |
Computes the altitude of the iso-0° |
KDP Processing#
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from corrected (e.g., unfolded) total differential phase data based on the variational method outlined in Maesaka et al. (2012). |
Estimates Kdp with the Kalman filter method by Schneebeli and al. |
Estimates Kdp with the Vulpiani method for a 2D array of psidp measurements with the first dimension being the distance from radar and the second dimension being the angles (azimuths for PPI, elev for RHI).The input psidp is assumed to be pre-filtered (for ex. |
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from differential phase data using a piecewise least square method. |
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from differential phase data using a piecewise least square method. |
Echo Classification#
Partition reflectivity into convective-stratiform using the Yuter et al. (2005) and Yuter and Houze (1997) algorithm. |
Partition reflectivity into convective-stratiform using the Steiner et al. (1995) algorithm. |
Classifies precipitation echoes following the approach by Besic et al (2016). |
Returns the frequency band name (S, C, X, ...). |
Prepares the data to compute the centroids of the hydrometeor classification |
Given a features matrix computes the centroids |
Selects the data to be used to compute the centroids |
Computes the final medoids from the medoids found at each iteration |
destandardize the data |
Gets the samples corresponding to the theoretical probability density function of each hydrometeor and variable |
This function can be used to detect features in a field (e.g. |
A computationally efficient method to classify radar echoes into convective cores, mixed convection, and stratiform regions for gridded radar reflectivity field. |
Gate ID#
Given a profile of a variable map it to the gates of radar assuming 4/3Re. |
Extract the correct profile from a interpolated sonde. |
Simple Moment Calculations#
Calculate the signal to noise ratio, in dB, from the reflectivity field. |
Derive the texture of the velocity field. |
Computes SNR from a reflectivity field and the noise in dBZ. |
Computes Rhohv in logarithmic scale according to ll=-log10(1-RhoHV). |
Computes the Circular Depolarization Ratio. |
Computes the reflectivity at the orthogonal polarization from zdr and the reflectivity at a given polarization |
Computes noise in dBZ from reference noise value. |
Computes received signal power OUTSIDE THE RADOME in dBm from a reflectivity field. |
get the 1-way gas attenuation for a particular frequency |
Computes the volumetric reflectivity from the effective reflectivity factor |
Computes the bird density from the volumetric reflectivity |
Computes the one-way atmospheric gas attenuation [dB] according to the empirical formula in Doviak and Zrnic (1993) pp 44. |
Computes the clutter correction ratio (CCOR), i.e. the ratio between the signal without Doppler filtering and the signal with Doppler filtering. |
Computes the radar cross-section (assuming a point target) from radar reflectivity. |
Computes the radar cross-section (assuming a point target) from radar reflectivity by first computing the received power and then the RCS from it. |
Computes radial noise in dBm from signal power using the algorithm from Hildebrand and Sekhon 1974 |
Computes radial noise in dBm from signal power using the algorithm described in Ivic et al. 2013. |
QPE (Quantitative Precipitation Estimation)#
Estimates rainfall rate from reflectivity using a power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate from reflectivity using a polynomial Z-R relation developed at McGill University. |
Estimates rainfall rate from kdp using alpha power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate from specific attenuation using alpha power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate from a blending of power law r-kdp and r-z relations. |
Estimates rainfall rate from a blending of power law r-alpha and r-z relations. |
Estimates rainfall rate using different relations between R and the polarimetric variables depending on the hydrometeor type. |
Calculate the grid displacement using phase correlation. |
Shift a grid by a certain number of pixels. |
Wind Estimation#
Estimates wind velocity. |
Estimates wind shear. |
Estimates the vertical wind profile using VAD techniques |
Estimates wind shear. |
VAD (Velocity Azimuth Display)#
Velocity azimuth display. |
Velocity azimuth display. |
QVP (Quasi Vertical Profile) Retrievals#
Quasi Vertical Profile. |
Computes quasi vertical profiles. |
Computes range-defined quasi vertical profiles. |
Computes enhanced vertical profiles. |
Computes slanted vertical profiles. |
Computes vertical profiles. |
Computes time series along a particular antenna coordinate, i.e. along azimuth, elevation or range. |
Spectra Processing#
Computes the spectral power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Computes the spectral phase from the complex spectra in ADU |
Computes the spectral noise power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Computes the spectral reflectivity from the complex spectra in ADU or from the signal power in ADU. |
Computes the spectral differential reflectivity from the complex spectras or the power in ADU |
Computes the spectral differential reflectivity from the complex spectras in ADU or sRhoHV |
Computes the spectral RhoHV from the complex spectras in ADU |
Computes the reflectivity from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the differential reflectivity from the horizontal and vertical spectral reflectivity |
Computes the differential phase from the spectral differential phase and the spectral reflectivity |
Computes RhoHV from the horizontal and vertical spectral reflectivity or from sRhoHV and the spectral powers |
Computes the Doppler velocity from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the Doppler width from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the polarimetric variables from the complex spectra in ADU or the spectral powers and spectral RhoHV |
Computes the IQ data from the spectra through an inverse Fourier transform |
Computes the noise power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Performs a dealiasing of spectra data, assuming at most one fold |
IQ Processing#
Computes the reflectivity from the IQ signal data |
Computes the differential reflectivity from the horizontal and vertical IQ data |
Computes the differential phase from the horizontal and vertical channels IQ data |
Computes RhoHV from the horizontal and vertical channels IQ data |
Computes the Doppler velocity from the IQ data |
Computes the Doppler width from the IQ data |
Computes the polarimetric variables from the IQ signals in ADU |
Computes the spectra from IQ data through a Fourier transform |
Computes the differential phase from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes the statistical test one lag fluctuation from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes the statistical test two lag fluctuation from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes the wide band noise from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Visibility estimation#
Estimate the radar visibility and ground clutter echoes from a digital elevation model |
Computes the one-way atmospheric gas attenuation [dB] according to the empirical formula in Doviak and Zrnic (1993) pp 44. |
Calculate the signal to noise ratio, in dB, from the reflectivity field. |
Derive the texture of the velocity field. |
Composite Reflectivity |
Computes the Doppler velocity from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the Doppler velocity from the IQ data |
Computes the Doppler width from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the Doppler width from the IQ data |
Computes the apparent profile of RhoHV |
Computes the bird density from the volumetric reflectivity |
Computes the clutter correction ratio (CCOR), i.e. the ratio between the signal without Doppler filtering and the signal with Doppler filtering. |
Computes the Circular Depolarization Ratio. |
Given a features matrix computes the centroids |
Computes the differential phase from the spectral differential phase and the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the differential phase from the horizontal and vertical channels IQ data |
Computes the differential reflectivity from the horizontal and vertical spectral reflectivity |
Computes the differential reflectivity from the horizontal and vertical IQ data |
Computes enhanced vertical profiles. |
Computes the IQ data from the spectra through an inverse Fourier transform |
Computes Rhohv in logarithmic scale according to ll=-log10(1-RhoHV). |
Computes the differential phase from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes the noise power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Computes noise in dBZ from reference noise value. |
Computes the polarimetric variables from the complex spectra in ADU or the spectral powers and spectral RhoHV |
Computes the polarimetric variables from the IQ signals in ADU |
Computes quasi vertical profiles. |
Computes radial noise in dBm from signal power using the algorithm from Hildebrand and Sekhon 1974 |
Computes radial noise in dBm from signal power using the algorithm described in Ivic et al. 2013. |
Computes the radar cross-section (assuming a point target) from radar reflectivity. |
Computes the radar cross-section (assuming a point target) from radar reflectivity by first computing the received power and then the RCS from it. |
Computes the reflectivity at the orthogonal polarization from zdr and the reflectivity at a given polarization |
Computes the reflectivity from the spectral reflectivity |
Computes the reflectivity from the IQ signal data |
Computes RhoHV from the horizontal and vertical spectral reflectivity or from sRhoHV and the spectral powers |
Computes RhoHV from the horizontal and vertical channels IQ data |
Computes range-defined quasi vertical profiles. |
Computes received signal power OUTSIDE THE RADOME in dBm from a reflectivity field. |
Computes SNR from a reflectivity field and the noise in dBZ. |
Computes the spectra from IQ data through a Fourier transform |
Computes the spectral differential reflectivity from the complex spectras in ADU or sRhoHV |
Computes the spectral differential reflectivity from the complex spectras or the power in ADU |
Computes the spectral noise power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Computes the spectral phase from the complex spectra in ADU |
Computes the spectral power from the complex spectra in ADU. |
Computes the spectral reflectivity from the complex spectra in ADU or from the signal power in ADU. |
Computes the spectral RhoHV from the complex spectras in ADU |
Computes the statistical test one lag fluctuation from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes the statistical test two lag fluctuation from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
Computes slanted vertical profiles. |
Computes time series along a particular antenna coordinate, i.e. along azimuth, elevation or range. |
Computes the volumetric reflectivity from the effective reflectivity factor |
Computes vertical profiles. |
Computes the wide band noise from the horizontal or vertical channel IQ data |
A computationally efficient method to classify radar echoes into convective cores, mixed convection, and stratiform regions for gridded radar reflectivity field. |
Partition reflectivity into convective-stratiform using the Yuter et al. (2005) and Yuter and Houze (1997) algorithm. |
Prepares the data to compute the centroids of the hydrometeor classification |
Performs a dealiasing of spectra data, assuming at most one fold |
Detects the melting layer (ML) using the reflectivity and copolar correlation coefficient. |
Computes the final medoids from the medoids found at each iteration |
Estimates rainfall rate from specific attenuation using alpha power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate using different relations between R and the polarimetric variables depending on the hydrometeor type. |
Estimates rainfall rate from kdp using alpha power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate from reflectivity using a power law. |
Estimates rainfall rate from a blending of power law r-alpha and r-z relations. |
Estimates rainfall rate from a blending of power law r-kdp and r-z relations. |
Estimates rainfall rate from reflectivity using a polynomial Z-R relation developed at McGill University. |
Estimates wind shear. |
Estimates wind shear. |
Estimates the vertical wind profile using VAD techniques |
Estimates wind velocity. |
This function can be used to detect features in a field (e.g. |
Extract the correct profile from a interpolated sonde. |
Estimate the radar visibility and ground clutter echoes from a digital elevation model |
get the 1-way gas attenuation for a particular frequency |
Returns the frequency band name (S, C, X, ...). |
Computes the altitude of the iso-0° |
get the minimum and maximum range affected by the melting layer |
Calculate the grid displacement using phase correlation. |
Shift a grid by a certain number of pixels. |
Classifies precipitation echoes following the approach by Besic et al (2016). |
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from differential phase data using a piecewise least square method. |
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from differential phase data using a piecewise least square method. |
Compute the specific differential phase (KDP) from corrected (e.g., unfolded) total differential phase data based on the variational method outlined in Maesaka et al. (2012). |
Estimates Kdp with the Kalman filter method by Schneebeli and al. |
Estimates Kdp with the Vulpiani method for a 2D array of psidp measurements with the first dimension being the distance from radar and the second dimension being the angles (azimuths for PPI, elev for RHI).The input psidp is assumed to be pre-filtered (for ex. |
Given a profile of a variable map it to the gates of radar assuming 4/3Re. |
Detects the melting layer following the approach by Giangrande et al (2008) |
Using the results of the hydrometeor classification by Besic et al. estimates the position of the range gates respect to the melting layer, the melting layer top and bottom height and the distance of the range gate with respect to the freezing level. |
Detects the melting layer following the approach implemented at Meteo-France |
Quasi Vertical Profile. |
Selects the data to be used to compute the centroids |
Partition reflectivity into convective-stratiform using the Steiner et al. (1995) algorithm. |
Gets the samples corresponding to the theoretical probability density function of each hydrometeor and variable |
Calculate the texture of the differential phase field. |
Velocity azimuth display. |
Velocity azimuth display. |