
Py-ART has a robust function for mapping radar data from the collected radar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.


GateMapper(src_radar, dest_radar[, ...])

The GateMapper class will, given one radar's gate, find the gate in another radar's volume that is closest in location to the specified gate.


example_roi_func_constant(zg, yg, xg)

Example RoI function which returns a constant radius.

example_roi_func_dist(zg, yg, xg)

Example RoI function which returns a radius which grows with distance.

example_roi_func_dist_beam(zg, yg, xg)

Example RoI function which returns a radius which grows with distance and whose parameters are based on virtual beam size.

grid_from_radars(radars, grid_shape, grid_limits)

Map one or more radars to a Cartesian grid returning a Grid object.

grid_ppi_sweeps(radar[, target_sweeps, ...])

Separately grid PPI sweeps to an X-Y plane considering only horizontal distances in grid RoI and weighting function.

grid_rhi_sweeps(radar[, target_sweeps, ...])

Separately grid RHI sweeps to a Y-Z plane considering only cross-sectional distances in grid RoI and weighting function.

gridstats_from_radar(radars, grid_shape, ...)

Map one or more radars to a Cartesian grid returning a Grid object, while computing a possibly weighted statistic from all polar gates that fall within the ROI of a given Cartesian grid cell

map_gates_to_grid(radars, grid_shape, ...[, ...])

Map gates from one or more radars to a Cartesian grid.

map_gates_to_grid_to_list(radars, ...[, ...])

Map gates from one or more radars to a Cartesian grid.

map_to_grid(radars, grid_shape, grid_limits)

Map one or more radars to a Cartesian grid.