
pyrad.proc.process_zdr_snow(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Keeps only suitable data to evaluate the differential reflectivity in snow

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : list of strings. Dataset keyword
        The input data types, must contain
        "dBZ" or "dBZc", and,
        "ZDR" or "ZDRc", and,
        "PhiDP" or "PhiDPc", and,
        "uRhoHV" or "RhoHV" or "RhoHVc", and,
        "hydro", and,
        "TEMP" (Optional), and,
        "SNRh" or "SNRv" (Optional, used to filter with SNRmin and SNRmax)
    rmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum range where to look for rain [m]. Default 1000.
    rmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum range where to look for rain [m]. Default 50000.
    Zmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum reflectivity to consider the bin as snow [dBZ].
        Default 0.
    Zmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum reflectivity to consider the bin as snow [dBZ]
        Default 30.
    SNRmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum SNR to consider the bin as snow [dB].
        Default 10.
    SNRmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum SNR to consider the bin as snow [dB]
        Default 50.
    RhoHVmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum RhoHV to consider the bin as snow
        Default 0.97
    PhiDPmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum PhiDP to consider the bin as snow [deg]
        Default 10.
    elmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum elevation angle where to look for snow [deg]
        Default None.
    KDPmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum KDP to consider the bin as snow [deg]
        Default None
    TEMPmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum temperature to consider the bin as snow [deg C].
        Default None
    TEMPmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum temperature to consider the bin as snow [deg C]
        Default None
    hydroclass : list of ints. Dataset keyword
        list of hydrometeor classes to keep for the analysis
        Default [2] (dry snow)
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output field “ZDR_snow”

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index