-, prdcfg)[source]#
- Generates radar intercomparison products. Accepted product types:
- ‘PLOT_AND_WRITE_INTERCOMP_TS’: Writes statistics of radar
intercomparison in a file and plots the time series of the statistics. User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- add_date_in_fname: Bool
If true adds the year in the csv file containing the statistics. Default False
- sort_by_date: Bool
If true sorts the statistics by date when reading the csv file containing the statistics. Default False
- step: float
The quantization step of the data. If none it will be computed using the Py-ART config file. Default None
- rewrite: Bool
If true rewrites the csv file containing the statistics. Default False
- npoints_min: int
The minimum number of points to consider the statistics valid and therefore use the data point in the plotting. Default 0
- transform: str
A transform to apply to the data before computing the statistics and generating the plots. Any mathematical function with argument “x” is accepted for example “sin(x) + x**2” or “10 * log10(x)” Default is to use no transform
- corr_min: float
The minimum correlation to consider the statistics valid and therefore use the data point in the plotting. Default 0.
- ‘PLOT_SCATTER_INTERCOMP’: Plots a density plot with the points of
radar 1 versus the points of radar 2 User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- step: float
The quantization step of the data. If none it will be computed using the Py-ART config file. Default None
- scatter_type: str
Type of scatter plot. Can be a plot for each radar volume (instant) or at the end of the processing period (cumulative). Default is cumulative
- transform: str
A transform to apply to the data before computing the statistics and generating the plots. Any mathematical function with argument “x” is accepted for example “sin(x) + x**2” or “10 * log10(x)” Default is to use no transform
- ‘WRITE_INTERCOMP’: Writes the instantaneously intercompared data
(gate positions, values, etc.) in a csv file. User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- ‘WRITE_INTERCOMP_TIME_AVG’: Writes the time-averaged intercompared
data (gate positions, values, etc.) in a csv file. User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- Parameters:
dataset (tuple) – values of colocated gates dictionary
prdcfg (dictionary of dictionaries) – product configuration dictionary of dictionaries
- Returns:
filename (str) – the name of the file created. None otherwise