
pyrad.proc.process_sunscan(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Processing of automatic sun scans for monitoring purposes of the radar system.

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : list of string. Dataset keyword
        The input data types, must contain
        "dBm", and,
        "dBmv", and,
        "ZDR", or "ZDRu", or "ZDRu"
    delev_max : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum elevation distance from nominal radar elevation where to
        look for a sun hit signal [deg]. Default 1.5
    dazim_max : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum azimuth distance from nominal radar elevation where to
        look for a sun hit signal [deg]. Default 1.5
    elmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum radar elevation where to look for sun hits [deg].
        Default 1.
    attg : float. Dataset keyword
        gaseous attenuation. Default None
    sun_position : string. Datset keyword
        The function to compute the sun position to use. Can be 'MF' or
    sun_hit_method : str. Dataset keyword
        Method used to estimate the power of the sun hit. Should be PSR. HS
        (Hildebrand and Sekhon 1974) or Ivic (Ivic 2013) are implemented
        but not tested.
    n_noise_bins : int. Dataset keyword
        Number of bins to use for noise estimation
    noise_threshold : float. Dataset keyword
        Distance over the noise level in [dBm]
    min_num_samples : int. Dataset keyword
        Minimal number of samples above the noise level
    max_fit_stddev : float. Dataset keyword
        Maximal allowed standard deviation for a valid sun fit [dBm]
    do_second_noise_est : string ('Yes' or 'No'). Dataset keyword
        Used to trigger a second noise estimation based on the first fit
        Requires another dataset keyword: n_indfar_bins
    n_indfar_bins : int. Dataset keyword
        Number of samples most remote from the sun center
    az_width_co : float. Dataset keyword
        co-polar antenna azimuth width (convoluted with sun width) [deg].
        Default None
    el_width_co : float. Dataset keyword
        co-polar antenna elevation width (convoluted with sun width)
        [deg]. Default None
    az_width_cross : float. Dataset keyword
        cross-polar antenna azimuth width (convoluted with sun width)
        [deg]. Default None
    el_width_cross : float. Dataset keyword
        cross-polar antenna elevation width (convoluted with sun width)
        [deg]. Default None
    rmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum range where to look for a sun hit signal [m]. Used in HS
        method. Default 50000.
    hmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum altitude where to look for a sun hit signal [m MSL].
        Default 10000. The actual range from which a sun hit signal will
        be search will be the minimum between rmin and the range from
        which the altitude is higher than hmin. Used in HS method. Default
    nbins_min : int. Dataset keyword.
        minimum number of range bins that have to contain signal to
        consider the ray a potential sun hit. Default 20 for HS and 8000
        for Ivic.
    npulses_ray : int
        Default number of pulses used in the computation of the ray. If the
        number of pulses is not in radar.instrument_parameters this will be
        used instead. Used in Ivic method. Default 30
    flat_reg_wlen : int
        Length of the flat region window [m]. Used in Ivic method. Default
    iterations: int
        number of iterations in step 7 of Ivic method. Default 10.
    max_std_pwr : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum standard deviation of the signal power to consider the
        data a sun hit [dB]. Default 2. Used in HS method
    max_std_zdr : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum standard deviation of the ZDR to consider the
        data a sun hit [dB]. Default 2.
    ndays : int. Dataset keyword
        number of days used in sun retrieval. Default 1
    coeff_band : float. Dataset keyword
        multiplicate coefficient to transform pulse width into receiver
    frequency : float. Dataset keyword
        the radar frequency [Hz]. If None that of the key
        frequency in attribute instrument_parameters of the radar
        object will be used. If the key or the attribute are not present
        frequency dependent parameters will not be computed
    beamwidth : float. Dataset keyword
        the antenna beamwidth [deg]. If None that of the keys
        radar_beam_width_h or radar_beam_width_v in attribute
        instrument_parameters of the radar object will be used. If the key
        or the attribute are not present the beamwidth dependent
        parameters will not be computed
    pulse_width : float. Dataset keyword
        the pulse width [s]. If None that of the key
        pulse_width in attribute instrument_parameters of the radar
        object will be used. If the key or the attribute are not present
        the pulse width dependent parameters will not be computed
    ray_angle_res : float. Dataset keyword
        the ray angle resolution [deg]. If None that of the key
        ray_angle_res in attribute instrument_parameters of the radar
        object will be used. If the key or the attribute are not present
        the ray angle resolution parameters will not be computed
    AntennaGainH, AntennaGainV : float. Dataset keyword
        the horizontal (vertical) polarization antenna gain [dB].
        If None that of the attribute instrument_parameters of the radar
        object will be used. If the key or the attribute are not present
        the ray angle resolution parameters will not be computed
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • sunscan_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing a radar object, a sun_hits dict, a sun_retrieval dictionary, field_name and timeinfo

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index