
pyrad.graph.plot_timeseries_comp(date1, value1, date2, value2, fname_list, labelx='Time [UTC]', labely='Value', label1='Sensor 1', label2='Sensor 2', titl='Time Series Comparison', period1=0, period2=0, ymin=None, ymax=None, dpi=72)[source]#

plots 2 time series in the same graph

  • date1 (datetime object) – time of the first time series

  • value1 (float array) – values of the first time series

  • date2 (datetime object) – time of the second time series

  • value2 (float array) – values of the second time series

  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the files where to store the plot

  • labelx (str) – The label of the X axis

  • labely (str) – The label of the Y axis

  • label1, label2 (str) – legend label for each time series

  • titl (str) – The figure title period1, period2 : float

    measurement period in seconds used to compute accumulation. If 0 no accumulation is computed

  • dpi (int) – dots per inch

  • ymin, ymax (float) – The limits of the Y-axis. None will keep the default limit.


  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the created plots

  • History

  • ——–

  • 201?.??.?? -fvj- created

  • 2017.08.21 -jgr- changed some graphical aspects