
pyrad.graph.plot_centroids(bin_edges1, bin_edges2, hist_2d, field_name1, field_name2, fname_list, prdcfg, titl='centroids', cmap=None, medoids_x=None, medoids_y=None, fmedoid_x=None, fmedoid_y=None)[source]#

2D histogram

  • bin_edges1, bin_edges2 (float array2) – the bins of each field

  • hist_2d (ndarray 2D) – the 2D histogram

  • field_name1, field_name2 (str) – the names of each field

  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the files where to store the plot

  • prdcfg (dict) – product configuration dictionary

  • titl (str) – plot title

  • cmap (str or None) – name of the colormap. If None it will be choosen the default for the field_name

  • medoids_x, medoids_y (ndarray 1D or None) – intermediate medoids

  • fmedoid_x, fmedoid_y (ndarray 1D or None) – final medoid


fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the created plots