, iso0_data, time_info, time_interp=True, field_name='height_over_iso0')[source]#

get the iso0 value corresponding to each radar gate

  • radar (Radar) – the radar object containing the information on the position of the radar gates

  • iso0_data (dict) – dictionary containing the iso0 data and metadata from the model

  • time_info (datetime object) – reference time of current radar volume

  • iso0_statistic (str) – The statistic used to weight the iso0 points. Can be avg_by_dist, avg, min, max

  • field_name (str) – name of HZT fields to convert. Can be height_over_iso0 or iso0_height (default height_over_iso0)


field_dict (dict) – dictionary containing the iso0 data in radar coordinates and the metadata