-, prdcfg)[source]#
- Generates radar volume products. Accepted product types:
- ‘ANTENNA_POS’: Plots time series of the antenna position with respect
to elevation or azimuth User defined parameters:
- dpi: float
dpi of the plot
- datatype: str
type of data to plot. Can be AZ or EL
- ‘CDF’: plots and writes the cumulative density function of data
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- quantiles: list of floats
The quantiles to compute in percent. Default None
- sector: dict
dictionary defining the sector where to compute the CDF. Default is None and the CDF is computed over all the data May contain:
- rmin, rmax: float
min and max range [m]
- azmin, azmax: float
min and max azimuth angle [deg]
- elmin, elmax: float
min and max elevation angle [deg]
- hmin, hmax: float
min and max altitude [m MSL]
- vismin: float
The minimum visibility to use the data. Default None
- absolute: Bool
If true the absolute values of the data will be used. Default False
- use_nans: Bool
If true NaN values will be used. Default False
- nan_value: Bool
The value by which the NaNs are substituted if NaN values are to be used in the computation
- filterclt: Bool
If True the gates containing clutter are filtered
- filterprec: list of ints
The hydrometeor types that are filtered from the analysis. Default empty list.
- ‘BSCOPE_IMAGE’: Creates a B-scope image (azimuth, range)
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenrint
The elevation angle number to use
- ray_dimstr
the ray dimension. Can be ‘ang’ or ‘time’. Default ‘ang’
- xaxis_rngbool
if True the range will be in the x-axis. Otherwise it will be in the y-axis. Default True
- vmin, vmax: float or None
The minimum and maximum values of the color scale. If None the scale is going to be set according to the Py-ART config file
- ‘CAPPI_IMAGE’: Creates a CAPPI image
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- altitude: flt
CAPPI altitude [m MSL]
- wfunc: str
The function used to produce the CAPPI as defined in Default ‘NEAREST’
- cappi_res: float
The CAPPI resolution [m]. Default 500.
- ‘CROSS_SECTION’Plots a cross-section of polar data through
arbitrary coordinates User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- coord1, coord2, …, coordN: dict
The two lat-lon coordinates marking the limits. They have the keywords ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ [degree].
- stepint
Step in meters to use between reference points to calculate the cross-section (i.e horizontal resolution).
- vert_resint
Vertical resolution in meters used to calculate the cross-section
- alt_maxint
Maximum altitude of the vertical cross-section
- beamwidthfloat
3dB beamwidth in degrees to be used in the calculations, if not provided will be read from the loc file
- demfilestr
Name of the DEM file to use to plot the topography, it must be in the dempath specified in the main config file
- ‘FIELD_COVERAGE’: Gets the field coverage over a certain sector
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- threshold: float or None
Minimum value to consider the data valid. Default None
- nvalid_min: float
Minimum number of valid gates in the ray to consider it valid. Default 5
- ele_res, azi_res: float
Elevation and azimuth resolution of the sectors [deg]. Default 1. and 2.
- ele_min, ele_max: float
Min and max elevation angle defining the sector [deg]. Default 0. and 30.
- ele_step: float
Elevation step [deg]. Default 5.
- ele_sect_start, ele_sect_stop: float or None
start and stop angles of the sector coverage. Default None
- quantiles: list of floats
The quantiles to compute in the sector. Default 10. to 90. by steps of 10.
- AngTol: float
The tolerance in elevation angle when putting the data in a fixed grid
- ‘FIXED_RNG_IMAGE’: Plots a fixed range image
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- AngTolfloat
The tolerance between the nominal angles and the actual radar angles. Default 1.
- ele_res, azi_res: float or None
The resolution of the fixed grid [deg]. If None it will be obtained from the separation between angles
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
Min and Max values of the color scale. If None the values are taken from the Py-ART config file
- ‘FIXED_RNG_SPAN_IMAGE’: Plots a user-defined statistic over a fixed
range image User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- AngTolfloat
The tolerance between the nominal angles and the actual radar angles. Default 1.
- ele_res, azi_res: float or None
The resolution of the fixed grid [deg]. If None it will be obtained from the separation between angles
- statstr
The statistic to compute. Can be ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘mean’, ‘mode’. Default ‘max’
- ‘HISTOGRAM’: Computes a histogram of the radar volume data
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- step: float or None
the data quantization step. If none it will be obtained from the Py-ART configuration file
- write_data: Bool
If true the histogram data is written in a csv file
- ‘PLOT_ALONG_COORD’: Plots the radar volume data along a particular
coordinate User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- colors: list of str or None
The colors of each ploted line
- data_on_ybool
If True the x-axis is the coordinates, and the y the data values. False swaps the axis. Default True
- plot_legendbool
If True a legend will be plotted. Default True
- mode: str
Ploting mode. Can be ‘ALONG_RNG’, ‘ALONG_AZI’ or ‘ALONG_ELE’
- value_start, value_stop: float
The starting and ending points of the data to plot. According to the mode it may refer to the range, azimuth or elevation. If not specified the minimum and maximum possible values are used
- fix_elevations, fix_azimuths, fix_ranges: list of floats
The elevations, azimuths or ranges to plot for each mode. ‘ALONG_RNG’ would use fix_elevations and fix_azimuths ‘ALONG_AZI’ fix_ranges and fix_elevations ‘ALONG_ELE’ fix_ranges and fix_azimuths
- AngTol: float
The tolerance to match the radar angle to the fixed angles Default 1.
- RngTol: float
The tolerance to match the radar range to the fixed ranges Default 50.
- use_altitudebool
If true and in ALON_RNG mode the coordinate used is the gate altitude. Otherwise is the range. Default False
- ‘PLOT_TXH’: Plots the transmitted signal power (H) for a standard
- ‘PPI_CONTOUR’: Plots a PPI countour plot
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- anglenr: float
The elevation angle number
- ‘PPI_CONTOUR_OVERPLOT’: Plots a PPI of a field with another field
overplotted as a contour plot. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- anglenr: float
The elevation angle number
- ‘PPI_IMAGE’: Plots a PPI image. It can also plot the histogram and the
quantiles of the data in the PPI. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenr: float
The elevation angle number
- plot_type: str
The type of plot to perform. Can be ‘PPI’, ‘QUANTILES’ or ‘HISTOGRAM’
- write_data: Bool
If True the histrogram will be also written in a csv file
- step: float or None
If the plot type is ‘HISTOGRAM’, the width of the histogram bin. If None it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file
- quantiles: list of float or None
If the plot type is ‘QUANTILES’, the list of quantiles to compute. If None a default list of quantiles will be computed
- vmin, vmax: float or None
The minimum and maximum values of the color scale. If None the scale is going to be set according to the Py-ART config file
- ‘PPI_MAP’: Plots a PPI image over a map. The map resolution and the
type of maps used are defined in the variables ‘mapres’ and ‘maps’ in ‘ppiMapImageConfig’ in the loc config file. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenr: float
The elevation angle number
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
Min and Max values of the color scale. If None the values are taken from the Py-ART config file
- ‘PPIMAP_ROI_OVERPLOT’: Over plots a polygon delimiting a region of
interest on a PPI map. The map resolution and the type of maps used are defined in the variables ‘mapres’ and ‘maps’ in ‘ppiMapImageConfig’ in the loc config file. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenr: float
The elevation angle number
- ‘PROFILE_STATS’: Computes and plots a vertical profile statistics.
The statistics are saved in a csv file User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- heightResolution: float
The height resolution of the profile [m]. Default 100.
- heightMin, heightMax: float or None
The minimum and maximum altitude of the profile [m MSL]. If None the values will be obtained from the minimum and maximum gate altitude.
- quantity: str
The type of statistics to plot. Can be ‘quantiles’, ‘mode’, ‘reqgression_mean’ or ‘mean’.
- quantiles: list of floats
If quantity type is ‘quantiles’ the list of quantiles to compute. Default 25., 50., 75.
- nvalid_min: int
The minimum number of valid points to consider the statistic valid. Default 4
- make_linear: Bool
If true the data is converted from log to linear before computing the stats
- include_nans: Bool
If true NaN values are included in the statistics
- fixed_span: Bool
If true the profile plot has a fix X-axis
- vmin, vmax: float or None
If fixed_span is set, the minimum and maximum values of the X-axis. If None, they are obtained from the Py-ART config file
- ‘PSEUDOPPI_CONTOUR’: Plots a pseudo-PPI countour plot
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- angle: float
The elevation angle at which compute the PPI
- EleTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar elevation angle and the nominal pseudo-PPI elevation angle.
- ‘PSEUDOPPI_CONTOUR_OVERPLOT’: Plots a pseudo-PPI of a field with
another field over-plotted as a contour plot User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- angle: float
The elevation angle at which compute the PPI
- EleTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar elevation angle and the nominal pseudo-PPI elevation angle.
- ‘PSEUDOPPI_IMAGE’: Plots a pseudo-PPI image. It can also plot the
histogram and the quantiles of the data in the pseudo-PPI. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- angle: float
The elevation angle of the pseudo-PPI
- EleTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar elevation angle and the nominal pseudo-PPI elevation angle.
- plot_type: str
The type of plot to perform. Can be ‘PPI’, ‘QUANTILES’ or ‘HISTOGRAM’
- step: float or None
If the plot type is ‘HISTOGRAM’, the width of the histogram bin. If None it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file
- quantiles: list of float or None
If the plot type is ‘QUANTILES’, the list of quantiles to compute. If None a default list of quantiles will be computed
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
Min and Max values of the color scale. If None the values are taken from the Py-ART config file
- ‘PSEUDOPPI_MAP’: Plots a pseudo-PPI image over a map. The map
resolution and the type of maps used are defined in the variables ‘mapres’ and ‘maps’ in ‘ppiMapImageConfig’ in the loc config file. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- angle: float
The elevation angle of the pseudo-PPI
- EleTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar elevation angle and the nominal pseudo-PPI elevation angle.
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
Min and Max values of the color scale. If None the values are taken from the Py-ART config file
- ‘PSEUDORHI_CONTOUR’: Plots a pseudo-RHI countour plot
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- angle: float
The azimuth angle at which to compute the RPI
- AziTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar azimuth angle and the nominal pseudo-RHI azimuth angle.
- ‘PSEUDORHI_CONTOUR_OVERPLOT’: Plots a pseudo-RHI of a field with
another field over-plotted as a contour plot User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- angle: float
The azimuth angle at which to compute the RPI
- AziTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar azimuth angle and the nominal pseudo-RHI azimuth angle.
- ‘PSEUDORHI_IMAGE’: Plots a pseudo-RHI image. It can also plot the
histogram and the quantiles of the data in the pseudo-RHI. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- angle: float
The azimuth angle at which to compute the RPI
- AziTol: float
The tolerance between the actual radar azimuth angle and the nominal pseudo-RHI azimuth angle.
- plot_type: str
The type of plot to perform. Can be ‘RHI’, ‘QUANTILES’ or ‘HISTOGRAM’
- step: float or None
If the plot type is ‘HISTOGRAM’, the width of the histogram bin. If None it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file
- quantiles: list of float or None
If the plot type is ‘QUANTILES’, the list of quantiles to compute. If None a default list of quantiles will be computed
- vmin, vmaxfloat or None
Min and Max values of the color scale. If None the values are taken from the Py-ART config file
- ‘QUANTILES’: Plots and writes the quantiles of a radar volume
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- quantiles: list of floats or None
the list of quantiles to compute. If None a default list of quantiles will be computed.
- write_data: Bool
If True the computed data will be also written in a csv file
- fixed_span: Bool
If true the quantile plot has a fix Y-axis
- vmin, vmax: float or None
If fixed_span is set, the minimum and maximum values of the Y-axis. If None, they are obtained from the Py-ART config file
- ‘RHI_CONTOUR’: Plots an RHI countour plot
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- anglenr: int
The azimuth angle number
- ‘RHI_CONTOUR_OVERPLOT’: Plots an RHI of a field with another field
over-plotted as a contour plot User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- contour_values: list of floats or None
The list of contour values to plot. If None the contour values are going to be obtained from the Py-ART config file either with the dictionary key ‘contour_values’ or from the minimum and maximum values of the field with an assumed division of 10 levels.
- anglenr: int
The azimuth angle number
- ‘RHI_IMAGE’: Plots an RHI image. It can also plot the
histogram and the quantiles of the data in the RHI. User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenr: int
The azimuth angle number
- plot_type: str
The type of plot to perform. Can be ‘RHI’, ‘QUANTILES’ or ‘HISTOGRAM’
- step: float or None
If the plot type is ‘HISTOGRAM’, the width of the histogram bin. If None it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file
- quantiles: list of float or None
If the plot type is ‘QUANTILES’, the list of quantiles to compute. If None a default list of quantiles will be computed
- vmin, vmax: float or None
The minimum and maximum values of the color scale. If None the scale is going to be set according to the Py-ART config file
- ‘RHI_PROFILE’: Computes and plots a vertical profile statistics out of
an RHI. The statistics are saved in a csv file User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- rangeStart, rangeStop: float
The range start and stop of the data to extract from the RHI to compute the statistics [m]. Default 0., 25000.
- heightResolution: float
The height resolution of the profile [m]. Default 100.
- heightMin, heightMax: float or None
The minimum and maximum altitude of the profile [m MSL]. If None the values will be obtained from the minimum and maximum gate altitude.
- quantity: str
The type of statistics to plot. Can be ‘quantiles’, ‘mode’, ‘reqgression_mean’ or ‘mean’.
- quantiles: list of floats
If quantity type is ‘quantiles’ the list of quantiles to compute. Default 25., 50., 75.
- nvalid_min: int
The minimum number of valid points to consider the statistic valid. Default 4
- make_linear: Bool
If true the data is converted from log to linear before computing the stats
- include_nans: Bool
If true NaN values are included in the statistics
- fixed_span: Bool
If true the profile plot has a fix X-axis
- vmin, vmax: float or None
If fixed_span is set, the minimum and maximum values of the X-axis. If None, they are obtained from the Py-ART config file
- ‘SAMPLES_HISTOGRAM’: Computes a histogram of the number of samples used
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- step: float or None
the data quantization step. If none it will be obtained from the Py-ART configuration file
- write_data: Bool
If true the histogram data is written in a csv file
- ‘SAVEALL’: Saves radar volume data including all or a list of user-
defined fields in a C/F radial or ODIM file User defined parameters:
- file_type: str
The type of file used to save the data. Can be ‘nc’ or ‘h5’. Default ‘nc’
- datatypes: list of str or None
The list of data types to save. If it is None, all fields in the radar object will be saved
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary
- compression: str
For ODIM file formats, the type of compression. Can be any of the allowed compression types for hdf5 files. Default gzip
- compression_opts: any
The compression options allowed by the hdf5. Depends on the type of compression. Default 6 (The gzip compression level).
- ‘SAVEALL_VOL’Same as before but can be used in a mixed GRID/VOL
dataset, as there is no ambiguity with SAVEALL for VOL datasets
- ‘SAVESTATE’: Saves the last processed data in a file. Used for real-
time data processing
- ‘SAVEPSEUDORHI’: Saves one field of a pseudo-RHI computed from a
volume scan in C/F radial or ODIM file User defined parameters:
- file_type: str
The type of file used to save the data. Can be ‘nc’ or ‘h5’. Default ‘nc’
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary
- compression: str
For ODIM file formats, the type of compression. Can be any of the allowed compression types for hdf5 files. Default gzip
- compression_opts: any
The compression options allowed by the hdf5. Depends on the type of compression. Default 6 (The gzip compression level).
- ‘SAVEPSEUDOPPI’: Saves one field of a pseudo-PPI computed from a
volume scan in C/F radial or ODIM file User defined parameters:
- file_type: str
The type of file used to save the data. Can be ‘nc’ or ‘h5’. Default ‘nc’
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary
- compression: str
For ODIM file formats, the type of compression. Can be any of the allowed compression types for hdf5 files. Default gzip
- compression_opts: any
The compression options allowed by the hdf5. Depends on the type of compression. Default 6 (The gzip compression level).
- ‘SAVEVOL’: Saves one field of a radar volume data in a C/F radial or
ODIM file User defined parameters:
- file_type: str
The type of file used to save the data. Can be ‘nc’ or ‘h5’. Default ‘nc’
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary. Default True
- compression: str
For ODIM file formats, the type of compression. Can be any of the allowed compression types for hdf5 files. Default gzip
- compression_opts: any
The compression options allowed by the hdf5. Depends on the type of compression. Default 6 (The gzip compression level).
- ‘SAVEVOL_CSV’: Saves one field of a radar volume data in a CSV file
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- ignore_masked: bool
If True masked values will not be saved. Default False
- ‘SAVEVOL_KML’: Saves one field of a radar volume data in a KML file
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- ignore_masked: bool
If True masked values will not be saved. Default False
- azi_resfloat or None
azimuthal resolution of the range bins. If None the antenna beamwidth is going to be used to determine the resolution
- ‘SAVEVOL_VOL’Same as before but can be used in a mixed GRID/VOL
dataset, as there is no ambiguity with SAVEVOL for GRID datasets
- ‘SAVE_FIXED_ANGLE’: Saves the position of the first fix angle in a csv file
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- ‘SELFCONSISTENCY’: Plots a ZDR versus KDP/ZH histogram of data.
- User defined parameters:
- retrieve_relationbool
If True plots also the retrieved relationship. Default True
- plot_theoreticalbool
If True plots also the theoretical relationship. Default True
- normalizebool
If True the occurrence density of ZK/KDP for each ZDR bin is going to be represented. Otherwise it will show the number of gates at each bin. Default True
- ‘SELFCONSISTENCY2’: Plots a ZH measured versus ZH inferred from a
self-consistency relation histogram of data. User defined parameters:
- normalizebool
If True the occurrence density of ZK/KDP for each ZDR bin is going to be represented. Otherwise it will show the number of gates at each bin. Default True
- ‘TIME_RANGE’: Plots a time-range/azimuth/elevation plot
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- anglenr: float
The number of the fixed angle to plot
- vmin, vmax: float or None
The minimum and maximum values of the color scale. If None the scale is going to be set according to the Py-ART config file
- ‘VOL_TS’: Writes and plots a value corresponding to a time series.
Meant primarily for writing and plotting the results of the SELFCONSISTENCY2 algorithm User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- ref_value: float
The reference value. Default 0
- sort_by_date: Bool
If true when reading the csv file containing the statistics the data is sorted by date. Default False
- rewrite: Bool
If true the csv file containing the statistics is rewritten
- add_data_in_fname: Bool
If true and the data used is cumulative the year is written in the csv file name and the plot file name
- npoints_min: int
Minimum number of points to use the data point in the plotting and to send an alarm. Default 0
- vmin, vmax: float or None
Limits of the Y-axis (data value). If None the limits are obtained from the Py-ART config file
- alarm: Bool
If true an alarm is sent
- tol_abs: float
Margin of tolerance from the reference value. If the current value is above this margin an alarm is sent. If the margin is not specified it is not possible to send any alarm
- tol_trend: float
Margin of tolerance from the reference value. If the trend of the last X events is above this margin an alarm is sent. If the margin is not specified it is not possible to send any alarm
- nevents_min: int
Minimum number of events with sufficient points to send an alarm related to the trend. If not specified it is not possible to send any alarm
- sender: str
The mail of the alarm sender. If not specified it is not possible to send any alarm
- receiver_list: list of str
The list of emails of the people that will receive the alarm.. If not specified it is not possible to send any alarm
- ‘WIND_PROFILE’: Plots vertical profile of wind data (U, V, W
components and wind velocity and direction) out of a radar volume containing the retrieved U,V and W components of the wind, the standard deviation of the retrieval and the velocity difference between the estimated radial velocity (assuming the wind to be uniform) and the actual measured radial velocity. User defined parameters:
- heightResolution: float
The height resolution of the profile [m]. Default 100.
- heightMin, heightMax: float or None
The minimum and maximum altitude of the profile [m MSL]. If None the values will be obtained from the minimum and maximum gate altitude.
- min_ele: float
The minimum elevation to be used in the computation of the vertical velocities. Default 5.
- max_ele: float
The maximum elevation to be used in the computation of the horizontal velocities. Default 85.
- fixed_span: Bool
If true the profile plot has a fix X-axis
- vmin, vmax: float or None
If fixed_span is set, the minimum and maximum values of the X-axis. If None, they are obtained from the span of the U component defined in the Py-ART config file
- ‘WRITE_STATS’: write statistics about the average of a field within a certain
sector (mean, median, stddev, nsamples, nvalid) and optionally min, max and additional quantiles User defined parameters:
- voltype: name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available
in the dataset
- ele_min: float
Max elevation angle defining the sector [deg]. Default 0.
- ele_max: float
Max elevation angle defining the sector [deg]. Default 90.
- azi_min: float
Min azimuth angle defining the sector [deg]. Default 0.
- azi_max: float
Max azimuth angle defining the sector [deg]. Default 360.
- rmin: float
Min range defining the sector [km]. Default 0.
- rmax: float
Max range defining the sector [km]. Default 50.
- write_min_max: Bool
If true will also write min and max values within sector
- quantiles: list of int
Additional quantiles (apart from median) to compute within the sector and write to file
- Parameters:
dataset (dict) – dictionary with key radar_out containing a radar object
prdcfg (dictionary of dictionaries) – product configuration dictionary of dictionaries
- Returns:
The list of created fields or None