, prdcfg)[source]#
generates sun hits products. Accepted product types:
‘PLOT_SUN_HITS’: Plots in a sun-radar azimuth difference-sun-radar

elevation difference grid the values of all sun hits obtained during the processing period

‘PLOT_SUN_RETRIEVAL’: Plots in a sun-radar azimuth difference-sun-

radar elevation difference grid the retrieved sun pattern

‘PLOT_SUN_RETRIEVAL_TS’: Plots time series of the retrieved sun

pattern parameters User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

add_date_in_fname: Bool

If true the year is added in the plot file name

‘PLOT_SUNSCAN’: Plots a constant range radar azimuth-elevation of the

sunscan field data

‘WRITE_SUN_HITS’: Writes the information concerning possible sun hits

in a csv file

‘WRITE_SUN_RETRIEVAL’: Writes the retrieved sun pattern parameters in

a csv file. User defined parameters:

add_date_in_fname: Bool

If true the year is added in the csv file name

‘WRITE_SUNSCAN’: Writes the sunscan parameters in a csv file

All the products of the ‘VOL’ dataset group

  • dataset (tuple) – radar object and sun hits dictionary

  • prdcfg (dictionary of dictionaries) – product configuration dictionary of dictionaries


filename (str) – the name of the file created. None otherwise