, values, ele_start, ele_stop, azi_start, azi_stop, threshold, nvalid_min, datatype, timeinfo, fname)[source]#

writes the quantiles of the coverage on a particular sector

  • quantiles (datetime array) – array containing the quantiles computed

  • values (float array) – quantile value

  • ele_start, ele_stop, azi_start, azi_stop (float) – The limits of the sector

  • threshold (float) – The minimum value to consider the data valid

  • nvalid_min (int) – the minimum number of points to consider that there are values in a ray

  • datatype (str) – data type and units

  • timeinfo (datetime object) – the time stamp of the data

  • fname (str) – name of the file where to write the data


fname (str) – the name of the file where data has written