-, prdcfg)[source]#
- generates spectra products. Accepted product types:
- ‘AMPLITUDE_PHASE_ANGLE_DOPPLER’: Makes an angle Doppler plot of
complex spectra or IQ data. The plot can be along azimuth or along range. It is plotted separately the module and the phase of the signal. User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- along_azibool
If true the plot is performed along azimuth, otherwise along elevation. Default true
- angfloat
The fixed angle (deg). Default 0.
- rngfloat
The fixed range (m). Default 0.
- ang_tolfloat
The fixed angle tolerance (deg). Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
The fixed range tolerance (m). Default 50.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- ampli_vmin, ampli_vmax, phase_vmin, phase_vmaxfloat or None
Minimum and maximum of the color scale for the module and phase
- ‘AMPLITUDE_PHASE_DOPPLER’: Plots a complex Doppler spectrum or IQ data
making two separate plots for the module and phase of the signal User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- rngfloat
range (m) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 50.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- ind_rngint
index of the range to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- ampli_vmin, ampli_vmax, phase_vmin, phase_vmaxfloat or None
Minimum and maximum of the color scale for the module and phase
- ‘AMPLITUDE_PHASE_RANGE_DOPPLER’: Plots a complex spectra or IQ data
range-Doppler making two separate plots for the module and phase of the signal User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- ampli_vmin, ampli_vmax, phase_vmin, phase_vmaxfloat or None
Minimum and maximum of the color scale for the module and phase
- ‘AMPLITUDE_PHASE_TIME_DOPPLER’: Plots a complex spectra or IQ data
time-Doppler making two separate plots for the module and phase of the signal User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- antenna_coordinates_az_el_rlist of float
azimuth, elevation and range coordinates of the reference point (3 elements)
- point_coordinates_WGS84_lon_lat_altlist of float
lon, lat (deg in WGS84 reference) and alt (in m) coordinates of the reference point. Will be used only if antenna_coordinates_az_el_r is not provided.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’ or ‘Doppler frequency’
- ampli_vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale for the module
- ampli_vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale for the module
- phase_vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale for the module
- phase_vmaxfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale for the phase
- plot_typestr
Can be ‘final’ or ‘temporal’. If final the data is only plotted at the end of the processing
- ‘ANGLE_DOPPLER’: Makes an angle Doppler plot. The plot can be along
azimuth or along range User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- along_azibool
If true the plot is performed along azimuth, otherwise along elevation. Default true
- angfloat
The fixed angle (deg). Default 0.
- rngfloat
The fixed range (m). Default 0.
- ang_tolfloat
The fixed angle tolerance (deg). Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
The fixed range tolerance (m). Default 50.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘COMPLEX_ANGLE_DOPPLER’: Makes an angle Doppler plot of complex
spectra or IQ data. The plot can be along azimuth or along range. The real and imaginary parts are plotted separately User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- along_azibool
If true the plot is performed along azimuth, otherwise along elevation. Default true
- angfloat
The fixed angle (deg). Default 0.
- rngfloat
The fixed range (m). Default 0.
- ang_tolfloat
The fixed angle tolerance (deg). Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
The fixed range tolerance (m). Default 50.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘COMPLEX_DOPPLER’: Plots a complex Doppler spectrum or IQ data making
two separate plots for the real and imaginary parts User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- rngfloat
range (m) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 50.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- ind_rngint
index of the range to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘COMPLEX_RANGE_DOPPLER’: Plots the complex spectra or IQ data
range-Doppler making two separate plots for the real and imaginary parts User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- rngfloat
range (m) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 50.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘COMPLEX_TIME_DOPPLER’: Plots the complex spectra or IQ data
time-Doppler making two separate plots for the real and imaginary parts User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- antenna_coordinates_az_el_rlist of float
azimuth, elevation and range coordinates of the reference point (3 elements)
- point_coordinates_WGS84_lon_lat_altlist of float
lon, lat (deg in WGS84 reference) and alt (in m) coordinates of the reference point. Will be used only if antenna_coordinates_az_el_r is not provided.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’ or ‘Doppler frequency’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- plot_typestr
Can be ‘final’ or ‘temporal’. If final the data is only plotted at the end of the processing
- ‘DOPPLER’: Plots a Doppler spectrum variable or IQ data variable
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- rngfloat
range (m) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- rng_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 50.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘RANGE_DOPPLER’: Makes a range-Doppler plot of spectral or IQ data
- User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- azifloat
azimuth (deg) of the ray to plot
- elefloat
elevation (deg) of the ray to plot
- azi_tolfloat
azimuth (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ele_tolfloat
elevation (deg) tolerance respect to nominal position to plot. Default 1.
- ind_rayint
index of the ray to plot. Alternative to defining its antenna coordinates
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- ‘SAVEALL’: Saves radar spectra or IQ volume data including all or a
list of userdefined fields in a netcdf file User defined parameters:
- datatypes: list of str or None
The list of data types to save. If it is None, all fields in the radar object will be saved
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary
- ‘SAVEVOL’: Saves one field of a radar spectra or IQ volume data in a
netcdf file User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- physical: Bool
If True the data will be saved in physical units (floats). Otherwise it will be quantized and saved as binary
- ‘TIME_DOPPLER’: Makes a time-Doppler plot of spectral or IQ data at a
point of interest. User defined parameters:
- voltype: str
name of the pyrad variable to use, it must be available in the dataset
- antenna_coordinates_az_el_rlist of float
azimuth, elevation and range coordinates of the reference point (3 elements)
- point_coordinates_WGS84_lon_lat_altlist of float
lon, lat (deg in WGS84 reference) and alt (in m) coordinates of the reference point. Will be used only if antenna_coordinates_az_el_r is not provided.
- xaxis_infostr
The xaxis type. Can be ‘Doppler_velocity’, ‘Doppler_frequency’ or ‘pulse_number’
- vminfloat or None
Minimum of the color scale
- vmaxfloat or None
Maximum of the color scale
- plot_typestr
Can be ‘final’ or ‘temporal’. If final the data is only plotted at the end of the processing
- Parameters:
dataset (spectra) – spectra object
prdcfg (dictionary of dictionaries) – product configuration dictionary of dictionaries
- Returns:
None or name of generated files