
pyrad.proc.process_vpr(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Computes the vertical profile of reflectivity using the Meteo-France operational algorithm

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : string. Dataset keyword
        The input data type
    nvalid_min : int
        Minimum number of rays with data to consider the azimuthal average
        valid. Default 20.
    angle_min, angle_max : float
        Minimum and maximum elevation angles used to compute the ratios of
        reflectivity. Default 0. and 4.
    ml_thickness_min, ml_thickness_max, ml_thickness_step : float
        Minimum, maximum and step of the melting layer thickness of the
         models to explore [m]. Default 200., 800. and 200.
    iso0_max : float
        maximum iso0 altitude of the profile. Default 5000.
    ml_top_diff_max, ml_top_step : float
        maximum difference +- between iso-0 and top of the melting layer
        [m] of the models to explore. Step. Default 200. and 200.
    ml_peak_min, ml_peak_max, ml_peak_step: float
        min, max and step of the value at the peak of the melting layer of
        the models to explore. Default 1., 6. and 1.
    dr_min, dr_max, dr_step : float
        min, max and step of the decreasing ratio above the melting layer.
        Default -6., -1.5 and 1.5
    dr_default : float
        default decreasing ratio to use if a proper model could not be
        found. Default -4.5
    dr_alt : float
        altitude above the melting layer top (m) where theoretical profile
        needs to be defined to be able to compute DR. If the theoretical
        profile is not defined up to the resulting altitude a default DR
        is used. Default 800.
    h_max : float
        maximum altitude [masl] where to compute the model profile.
        Default 6000.
    h_corr_max : float
        maximum altitude [masl] considered for the VPR correction
    h_res : float
        resolution of the model profile (m). Default 1.
    max_weight : float
        Maximum weight of the antenna pattern. Default 9.
    rmin_obs, rmax_obs : float
        minimum and maximum range (m) of the observations that are
        compared with the model. Default 5000. and 150000.
    use_ml : bool
        If True the retrieved ML will be used to select the range of
        variability the meltin layer top and thickness
    vpr_memory_max : float
        The maximum time range to average reflectivity (min)
    filter_vpr_memory_max : float
        The maximum time range where to look for previous VPR retrievals
    ml_datatype : str
        Melting layer data type descriptor
    z_datatype : str
        descriptor used get the linear reflectivity information
    vpr_theo_datatype : str
        descriptor used to get the retrieved theoretical VPR
    filter_params : bool
        If True the current theoretical VPR profile is averaged with the
        past VPR profile by averaging the 4 parameters that define the
        profile, otherwise the shape of the profiles is averaged. Default
        false. Used only in non-spatialised VPR correction
    weight_mem : float
        Weight given to past VPR when filtering the current VPR
    spatialized : bool
        If True the VPR correction is spatialized
    correct_iso0 : bool
        If True the iso0 field is corrected by a bias constant computed as
        the difference between the retrieved melting layer top and the
        average iso0 and areas with precipitation. Default True. Used only
        in the spatialised VPR correction
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index