, cell_time, lon, lat, area, rank, nflash, flash_density, fname, timeformat='%Y%m%d%H%M')[source]#

writes the lightning data for each TRT cell

  • cell_ID (array of ints) – the cell ID

  • cell_time (array of datetime) – the time step

  • lon, lat (array of floats) – the latitude and longitude of the center of the cell

  • area (array of floats) – the area of the cell

  • rank (array of floats) – the rank of the cell

  • nflash (array of ints) – the number of flashes/sources within the cell

  • flash_density (array of floats) – the flash/source density

  • fname (str) – file name where to store the data


fname (str) – the name of the file where data has written