
pyrad.proc.process_dda(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Estimates horizontal wind speed and direction with a multi-doppler approach This method uses the python package pyDDA

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : string. Dataset keyword
        The input data type
    gridconfig : dictionary. Dataset keyword
        Dictionary containing some or all of this keywords:
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax : floats
            minimum and maximum horizontal distance from grid origin [km]
            and minimum and maximum vertical distance from grid origin [m]
            Defaults -40, 40, -40, 40, 0., 10000.
        latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax : floats
            minimum and maximum latitude and longitude [deg], if specified
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax will be ignored
        hres, vres : floats
            horizontal and vertical grid resolution [m]
            Defaults 1000., 500.
        latorig, lonorig, altorig : floats
            latitude and longitude of grid origin [deg] and altitude of
            grid origin [m MSL]
            Defaults the latitude, longitude and altitude of the radar
    wfunc : str. Dataset keyword
        the weighting function used to combine the radar gates close to a
        grid point. Possible values BARNES, BARNES2, CRESSMAN, NEAREST
        Default NEAREST
    roif_func : str. Dataset keyword
        the function used to compute the region of interest.
        Possible values: dist_beam, constant
    roi : float. Dataset keyword
        the (minimum) radius of the region of interest in m. Default half
        the largest resolution
    beamwidth : float. Dataset keyword
        the radar antenna beamwidth [deg]. If None that of the key
        radar_beam_width_h in attribute instrument_parameters of the radar
        object will be used. If the key or the attribute are not present
        a default 1 deg value will be used
    beam_spacing : float. Dataset keyword
        the beam spacing, i.e. the ray angle resolution [deg]. If None,
        that of the attribute ray_angle_res of the radar object will be
        used. If the attribute is None a default 1 deg value will be used
    signs : list of integers
        The sign of the velocity field for every radar object.
        A value of 1 represents when
        positive values velocities are towards the radar, -1 represents
        when negative velocities are towards the radar.
    Co : float
        Weight for cost function related to observed radial velocities.
        Default: 1.
    Cm : float
        Weight for cost function related to the mass continuity equation.
        Default: 1500.
    Cx: float
        Smoothing coefficient for x-direction
    Cy: float
        Smoothing coefficient for y-direction
    Cz: float
        Smoothing coefficient for z-direction
    Cb: float
        Coefficient for sounding constraint
    Cv: float
        Weight for cost function related to vertical vorticity equation.
    Cmod: float
        Coefficient for model constraint
    Cpoint: float
        Coefficient for point constraint
    wind_tol: float
        Stop iterations after maximum change in winds is less than this
    frz : float
        The freezing level in meters. This is to tell PyDDA where to use
        ice particle fall speeds in the wind retrieval verus liquid.
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index