, prdcfg)[source]#
Generates time series products. Accepted product types:
‘COMPARE_CUMULATIVE_POINT’: Plots in the same graph 2 time series of

data accumulation (tipically rainfall rate). One time series is a point measurement of radar data while the other is from a co-located instrument (rain gauge or disdrometer) User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

vmin, vmax: float

The limits of the Y-axis. If none they will be obtained from the Py-ART config file.

sensor: str

The sensor type. Can be ‘rgage’, ‘rgage_knmi’, ‘disdro’ or ‘disdro_parsivel’

sensorid: str

The sensor ID.

location: str

A string identifying the location of the disdrometer

freq: float

The frequency used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

ele: float

The elevation angle used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

ScanPeriod: float

The scaning period of the radar in seconds. This parameter is defined in the ‘loc’ config file

‘COMPARE_POINT’: Plots in the same graph 2 time series of

data . One time series is a point measurement of radar data while the other is from a co-located instrument (rain gauge or disdrometer) User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

vmin, vmax: float

The limits of the Y-axis. If none they will be obtained from the Py-ART config file.

sensor: str

The sensor type. Can be ‘rgage’, ‘rgage_knmi’, ‘disdro’ or ‘disdro_parsivel’

sensorid: str

The sensor ID.

location: str

A string identifying the location of the disdrometer

freq: float

The frequency used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

ele: float

The elevation angle used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

‘COMPARE_TIME_AVG’: Creates a scatter plot of average radar data

versus average sensor data. User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

sensor: str

The sensor type. Can be ‘rgage’, ‘rgage_knmi’, ‘disdro’ or ‘disdro_parsivel’

sensorid: str

The sensor ID.

location: str

A string identifying the location of the disdrometer

freq: float

The frequency used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

ele: float

The elevation angle used to retrieve the polarimetric variables of a disdrometer

cum_time: float

Data accumulation time [s]. Default 3600.

base_time: float

Starting moment of the accumulation [s from midnight]. Default 0.

‘PLOT_AND_WRITE’: Writes and plots a trajectory time series.
User defined parameters:
ymin, ymax: float

The minimum and maximum value of the Y-axis. If none it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file.

‘PLOT_AND_WRITE_POINT’: Plots and writes a time series of radar data

at a particular point User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

vmin, vmax: float

The limits of the Y-axis. If none they will be obtained from the Py-ART config file.

‘PLOT_CUMULATIVE_POINT’: Plots a time series of radar data

accumulation at a particular point. User defined parameters:

dpi: int

The pixel density of the plot. Default 72

vmin, vmax: float

The limits of the Y-axis. If none they will be obtained from the Py-ART config file.

ScanPeriod: float

The scaning period of the radar in seconds. This parameter is defined in the ‘loc’ config file

‘PLOT_HIST’: plots and writes a histogram of all the data gathered

during the trajectory processing User defined parameters:

step: float or None

The quantization step of the data. If None it will be obtained from the Py-ART config file

‘TRAJ_CAPPI_IMAGE’: Creates a CAPPI image with the trajectory position

overplot on it. User defined parameters:

color_ref: str

The meaning of the color code with which the trajectory is plotted. Can be ‘None’, ‘altitude’ (the absolute altitude), ‘rel_altitude’ (altitude relative to the CAPPI altitude), ‘time’ (trajectory time respect of the start of the radar scan leading to the CAPPI)

altitude: float

The CAPPI altitude [m]

wfunc: str

Function used in the gridding of the radar data. The function types are defined in Default ‘NEAREST’

res: float

The CAPPI resolution [m]. Default 500.

‘WRITE_MULTIPLE_POINTS’: Writes a csv file containing data from

multiple points obtained from a radar object

‘WRITE_MULTIPLE_POINTS_GRID’: Writes a csv file containing data from

multiple points obtained from a grid object

  • dataset (dictionary) – radar object

  • prdcfg (dictionary of dictionaries) – product configuration dictionary of dictionaries


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