
pyrad.util.rainfall_accumulation(t_in_vec, val_in_vec, cum_time=3600.0, base_time=0.0, dropnan=False)[source]#

Computes the rainfall accumulation of a time series over a given period

  • t_in_vec (datetime array) – the input date and time array

  • val_in_vec (float array) – the input values array [mm/h]

  • cum_time (int) – accumulation time [s]

  • base_time (int) – base time [s]

  • dropnan (boolean) – if True remove NaN from the time series


  • t_out_vec (datetime array) – the output date and time array

  • val_out_vec (float array) – the output values array

  • np_vec (int array) – the number of samples at each period