
pyrad.graph.plot_pos_map(lat, lon, alt, fname_list, ax=None, fig=None, save_fig=True, sort_altitude='No', dpi=72, alpha=1.0, cb_label='height [m MSL]', titl='Position', xlabel='Lon [Deg]', ylabel='Lat [Deg]', limits=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, lon_step=0.3, lat_step=0.1, background_zoom=8)[source]#

plots a trajectory on a map

  • lat, lon, alt (float array) – Points coordinates

  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the files where to store the plot

  • fig (Figure) – Figure to add the colorbar to. If none a new figure will be created

  • ax (Axis) – Axis to plot on. if fig is None a new axis will be created

  • save_fig (bool) – if true save the figure if false it does not close the plot and returns the handle to the figure

  • sort_altitude (str) – String indicating whether to sort the altitude data. Can be ‘No’, ‘Lowest_on_top’ or ‘Highest_on_top’

  • dpi (int) – Pixel density

  • alpha (float) – Transparency

  • cb_label (str) – Color bar label

  • titl (str) – Plot title

  • xlabel, ylabel (str) – The labels of the X and Y axis

  • limits (tupple or None) – The limits of the field to plot

  • vmin, vmax (float) – The limits of the color scale

  • lon_step, lat_step (float) – The step interval of the latitude, longitude lines to plot

  • background_zoom (int) – The zoom of the background image. A higher number will give more level of detail at the expense of speed.


  • fname_list (list of str or)

  • fig, ax (tupple) – list of names of the saved plots or handle of the figure an axes