, col_names=None)[source]#

Reads a file containing precipitation data from sensors retrieved from the KNMI archive. There is data from Present Weather Sensors (PWS) and rain gauges (RG). The file contains: - time_stamp - id: of the station - name: of the station - lat, lon alt: of the station - dr_pws_10: period within 10 min in which the PWS detected rain (s) - dr_rg_10: period within 10 min in which the RG detected rain (s) - ww_cor_10: PWS code - ri_pws_10: rain intensity registered by the PWS over the 10 min period (mm/h) - ri_rg_10: rain intensity registered by the RG over the 10 min period (mm/h)

  • fname (str) – file name

  • col_names (list of strings or None) – name of the columns contained in the file. If None default names are given


df_prec (Pandas DataFrame) – DataFrame containing the data