
pyrad.flow.main(cfgfile, starttime=None, endtime=None, trajfile='', trajtype='plane', flashnr=0, infostr='', MULTIPROCESSING_DSET=False, MULTIPROCESSING_PROD=False, PROFILE_MULTIPROCESSING=False, USE_CHILD_PROCESS=False)[source]#

Main flow control. Processes radar data off-line over a period of time given either by the user, a trajectory file, or determined by the last volume processed and the current time. Multiple radars can be processed simultaneously

  • cfgfile (str) – path of the main config file

  • starttime, endtime (datetime object) – start and end time of the data to be processed

  • trajfile (str) – path to file describing the trajectory

  • trajtype (str) – type of trajectory file. Can be either ‘plane’, ‘lightning’ or ‘proc_periods’

  • flashnr (int) – If larger than 0 will select a flash in a lightning trajectory file. If 0 the data corresponding to the trajectory of all flashes will be plotted

  • infostr (str) – Information string about the actual data processing (e.g. ‘RUN57’). This string is added to product files.

  • MULTIPROCESSING_DSET (Bool) – If true the generation of datasets at the same processing level will be parallelized

  • MULTIPROCESSING_PROD (Bool) – If true the generation of products from each dataset will be parallelized

  • PROFILE_MULTIPROCESSING (Bool) – If true and code parallelized the multiprocessing is profiled

  • USE_CHILD_PROCESS (Bool) – If true the reading and processing of the data will be performed by a child process controlled by dask. This is done to make sure all memory used is released.