
pyrad.proc.process_hydroclass(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Classifies precipitation echoes

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : list of string. Dataset keyword
        The input data types
    HYDRO_METHOD : string. Dataset keyword
        The hydrometeor classification method. One of the following:
    centroids_file : string or None. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD SEMISUPERVISED. The name of the .csv file
        that stores the centroids. The path is given by
        If None is provided default centroids are going to be used
    compute_entropy : bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD SEMISUPERVISED. If true the entropy is
        computed and the field hydroclass_entropy is output
    output_distances : bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD SEMISUPERVISED. If true the de-mixing
        algorithm based on the distances to the centroids is computed and
        the field proportions of each hydrometeor in the radar range gate
        is output
    vectorize : bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD SEMISUPERVISED. If true a vectorized
        version of the algorithm is used
    weights : array of floats. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD SEMISUPERVISED. The list of weights given
        to each variable
    hydropath : string. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. Directory of the UK MetOffice
        hydrometeor classification code
    mf_dir : string. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. Directory where the UK MetOffice
        hydrometeor classification membership functions are stored
    ml_depth: float. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. Depth of the melting layer [km].
        Default 500.
    perturb_ml_depth: float. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. if specified, the depth of the
        melting layer can be varied by +/- this value [km], allowing a
        less-rigidly defined melting layer. Default 0.
    fzl: float or None. Dataset keyword
        If desired, a single freezing level
        height can be specified for the entire PPI domain. This will be used
        only if no temperature field is available.
    sounding : str. Dataset keyword
        The nearest radiosounding WMO code (5 int digits). It will be used to
        compute the freezing level, if no temperature field name is specified,
        if the temperature field is not in the radar object or if no
        fzl is explicitely defined.
    use_dualpol: Bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. If false no radar data is used and
        the classification is performed using temperature information
        only. Default True
    use_temperature: Bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. If false no temperature information
        is used and the classification is performed using radar data only.
        Default True
    use_interpolation: Bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. If True gaps in the classification
        are filled using a nearest-neighbour interpolation. Default False
    map_to_semisupervised: Bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. If True the output is map to the same
        categories as the semi-supervised classification. Default True
    append_all_fields: Bool. Dataset keyword
        Used with HYDRO_METHOD UKMO. If True auxiliary fields such as
        confidence and probability for each class are going to be added to
        the output
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index