
Reads METEORAGE lightning data contained in a text file. The file has the following fields:

date: date + time + time zone lon: longitude [degree] lat: latitude [degree] intens: amplitude [kilo amperes] ns: number of strokes of the flash mode: kind of localization [0,15] intra: 1 = intra-cloud , 0 = cloud-to-ground ax: length of the semi-major axis of the ellipse [km] ki2: standard deviation on the localization computation (Ki^2) ecc: eccentricity (major-axis / minor-axis) incl: ellipse inclination (angle with respect to the North, +90° is

East) [degrees]

sind: stroke index within the flash


fname (str) – path of time series file


  • stroke_time, lon, lat, intens, ns, mode, intra, ax, ki2, ecc, incl,

  • sind (tupple) – A tupple containing the read values. None otherwise