
pyrad.graph.plot_histogram(bin_edges, values, fname_list, labelx='bins', labely='Number of Samples', titl='histogram', binwidth_equal=False, dpi=72)[source]#

computes and plots histogram

  • bin_edges (array) – histogram bin edges

  • values (array) – data values

  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the files where to store the plot

  • labelx (str) – The label of the X axis

  • labely (str) – The label of the Y axis

  • titl (str) – The figure title

  • binwidth_equal (bool) – If True the bars are going to have the same width regardless of the actual bin size

  • dpi (int) – dots per inch


fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the created plots