
pyrad.proc.process_rhohv_rain(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Keeps only suitable data to evaluate the 80 percentile of RhoHV in rain

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : list of string. Dataset keyword
        The input data types
    rmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum range where to look for rain [m]. Default 1000.
    rmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum range where to look for rain [m]. Default 50000.
    Zmin : float. Dataset keyword
        minimum reflectivity to consider the bin as precipitation [dBZ].
        Default 20.
    Zmax : float. Dataset keyword
        maximum reflectivity to consider the bin as precipitation [dBZ]
        Default 40.
    ml_thickness : float. Dataset keyword
        assumed thickness of the melting layer. Default 700.
    fzl : float. Dataset keyword
        The default freezing level height. It will be used if no
        temperature field name is specified or the temperature field is
        not in the radar object. Default 2000.
    sounding : str. Dataset keyword
        The nearest radiosounding WMO code (5 int digits). It will be used to
        compute the freezing level, if no temperature field name is specified,
        if the temperature field isin the radar object or if no freezing_level
        is explicitely defined.
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index