
pyrad.proc.process_rainrate(procstatus, dscfg, radar_list=None)[source]#

Estimates rainfall rate from polarimetric moments

  • procstatus (int) – Processing status: 0 initializing, 1 processing volume, 2 post-processing

  • dscfg (dictionary of dictionaries) –

    data set configuration. Accepted Configuration Keywords:

    datatype : string. Dataset keyword
        The input data type
    RR_METHOD : string. Dataset keyword
        The rainfall rate estimation method. One of the following:
        Z, ZPoly, KDP, A, ZKDP, ZA, hydro
    alpha, beta : float
        factor and exponent of the R-Var power law R = alpha*Var^Beta.
        Default value depending on RR_METHOD. Z (0.0376, 0.6112),
        KDP (None, None), A (None, None)
    alphaz, betaz : float
        factor and exponent of the R-Z power law R = alpha*Z^Beta.
        Default value (0.0376, 0.6112)
    alphazr, betazr : float
        factor and exponent of the R-Z power law R = alpha*Z^Beta applied
        to rain in method hydro. Default value (0.0376, 0.6112)
    alphazs, betazs : float
        factor and exponent of the R-Z power law R = alpha*Z^Beta applied
        to solid precipitation in method hydro. Default value (0.1, 0.5)
    alphakdp, betakdp : float
        factor and exponent of the R-KDP power law R = alpha*KDP^Beta.
        Default value (None, None)
    alphaa, betaa : float
        factor and exponent of the R-Ah power law R = alpha*Ah^Beta.
        Default value (None, None)
    thresh : float
        In hybrid methods, Rainfall rate threshold at which the retrieval
        method used changes [mm/h]. Default value depending on RR_METHOD.
        ZKDP 10, ZA 10, hydro 10
    mp_factor : float
        Factor by which the Z-R relation is multiplied in the melting layer
        in method hydro. Default 0.6
  • radar_list (list of Radar objects) – Optional. list of radar objects


  • new_dataset (dict) – dictionary containing the output

  • ind_rad (int) – radar index