
pyrad.graph.plot_ml_ts(dt_ml_arr, ml_top_avg_arr, ml_top_std_arr, thick_avg_arr, thick_std_arr, nrays_valid_arr, nrays_total_arr, fname_list, labelx='Time UTC', titl='Melting layer time series', dpi=72)[source]#

plots a time series of melting layer data

  • dt_ml_arr (datetime object) – time of the time series

  • np_vec (int array) – number of points

  • meanbias_vec, medianbias_vec, modebias_vec (float array) – mean, median and mode bias

  • quant25bias_vec, quant75bias_vec (25th and 75th percentile of the bias)

  • corr_vec (float array) – correlation

  • slope_vec, intercep_vec (float array) – slope and intercep of a linear regression

  • intercep_slope1_vec (float) – the intercep point of a inear regression of slope 1

  • ref_value (float) – the reference value

  • np_min (int) – The minimum number of points to consider the result valid

  • corr_min (float) – The minimum correlation to consider the results valid

  • labelx (str) – The label of the X axis

  • titl (str) – The figure title


fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the created plots