
pyrad.util.find_colocated_indexes(radar1, radar2, rad1_ele, rad1_azi, rad1_rng, rad2_ele, rad2_azi, rad2_rng, ele_tol=0.5, azi_tol=0.5, rng_tol=50.0)[source]#

Given the theoretical elevation, azimuth and range of the co-located gates of two radars and a given tolerance returns the indices of the gates for the current radars

  • radar1, radar2 (radar objects) – the two radar objects

  • rad1_ele, rad1_azi, rad1_rng (array of floats) – the radar coordinates of the radar1 gates

  • rad2_ele, rad2_azi, rad2_rng (array of floats) – the radar coordinates of the radar2 gates

  • ele_tol, azi_tol (floats) – azimuth and elevation angle tolerance [deg]

  • rng_tol (float) – range Tolerance [m]


ind_ray_rad1, ind_rng_rad1, ind_ray_rad2, ind_rng_rad2 (array of ints) – the ray and range indexes of each radar gate