
pyrad.graph.plot_selfconsistency_instrument(zdr, kdp, zh, fname_list, bins_zdr_step=0.05, bins_zdr_min=0.0, bins_zdr_max=6.0, bins_kdpzh_step=0.1, bins_kdpzh_min=-2.0, bins_kdpzh_max=20.0, normalize=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=0.01, parametrization='None', zdr_kdpzh_dict=None, retrieve_relation=True, plot_theoretical=True, dpi=72)[source]#

plots the ZDR-KDP/ZH relationship obtained by an instrument. The theoretical curve and the retrieved curve

  • zdr, kdp, zh (1D ndarray) – The valid values of ZDR [dB], KDP [deg/km] and Zh [mm6/m3] collected by the instrument

  • fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the files where to store the plot

  • bins_zdr_step (float) – The step of the ZDR axis of the histogram [dB]

  • bins_zdr_min, bins_zdr_max (float) – The limits of the ZDR axis of the histogram (bins center) [dB]

  • bins_kdpzh_step (float) – The step of the 1e5*KDP^a/ZH^b axis of the histogram [(deg*m3)/(km*mm6)]

  • bins_kdpzh_min, bins_kdpzh_max (float) – The limits of the 1e5*KDP^a/ZH^b axis of the histogram (bins center) [(deg*m3)/(km*mm6)]

  • normalize (Bool) – If True the occurrence density of ZH/KDP for each ZDR bin is going to be represented. Otherwise it will show the number of gates at each bin

  • vmin, vmax (float) – min and max values of the colorbar

  • parametrization (str) – The type of parametrization for the self-consistency curves. Can be ‘None’, ‘Gourley’, ‘Wolfensberger’, ‘Louf’, ‘Gorgucci’ or ‘Vaccarono’. ‘None’ will use tables contained in zdr_kdpzh_dict. The parametrized curves are obtained from literature except for Wolfensberger that was derived from disdrometer data obtained by MeteoSwiss and EPFL. All parametrizations are valid for C-band only except that of Gourley.

  • zdr_kdpzh_dict (dict) – dictionary containing a look up table relating ZDR with KDP/Zh for different elevations and the frequency band of the radar

  • retrieve_relation (boolean) – if true a zdr-kdp/zh relationship is retrieved from the data

  • plot_theoretical (bool) – if true the theoretical relationship is retrieved

  • dpi (int) – dots per inch


fname_list (list of str) – list of names of the created plots